Which individual income tax system works best?

SubjectNSW Commerce YearStage 5 Curriculum Time100

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In this activity, students use a digital interactive to explore the impact of different income tax systems on the income received and tax paid by people on different incomes and how these systems affect government revenue. They use the interactive to create an income tax system they think is fairest and justify their choice.

Australian Curriculum or Syllabus

This activity contributes to the following outcomes.

A student:

  • applies consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment concepts and terminology in a variety of contexts COM5-1
  • analyses the rights and responsibilities of individuals in a range of consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment contexts COM5-2
  • analyses key factors affecting decisions COM5-4
  • evaluates options for solving problems and issues COM5-5
  • works independently and collaboratively to meet individual and collective goals within specified timeframes COM5-9.

Related Stage 4 outcomes: COM4-1, COM4-2, COM4-4, COM4-5, COM4-9

Related Life Skills outcomes: COMLS-5, COMLS-7, COMLS-13

Content descriptions

Core 3: Employment and Work Futures

Work and wellbeing


  • examine the contribution of work to the wellbeing of individuals and broader society, including:
    • the redistribution of income through taxation, and government expenditure, e.g. in education, health, infrastructure and social welfare (ACHEK052)

Teacher resources

In order to see the resources you must Register or Login if you already have an account.


Income tax systems calculator


Income tax systems calculator

Student learning resources

In order to see the resources you must Register or Login if you already have an account.


Which individual income tax system works best?


Which individual income tax system works best?

Suggested activity sequence

This sequence is intended as a framework to be modified and adapted by teachers to suit the needs of a class group. The activity was written for students in Stage 5, however it can be modified to suit the needs of Stage 4 students and Life skills students.

  1. As a class read the instructions on the worksheet.

  2. Open the interactive on a white board or screen and demonstrate income system 2 to students. If necessary, refer to the instructions on how to use the income tax systems calculator.

  3. Students complete part 1 of the worksheet.

  4. Use a grouping strategy to organise students into pairs.

  5. Pairs complete part 2 of the worksheet.

  6. Students present their decisions and justifications to the class.