Give your kids the foundations to be successful adults
Over 1000+ free resources and activities.

Flexible resources to use at home
Learn about or teach your kids about tax, super, identity theft, running a business and more with practical, real-world examples.
Tax, Super + You includes 2 types of resources.
- Facilitated activities – These include instructions and may require your support and direction.
- Self-directed resources – Stand-alone resources that your child can use independently.
If you home school your child, head to the Home page to search for activities and resources you can use.
Understand what your child is learning
Learn more about Tax, Super + You and how it’s supporting your child to have a confident financial future.
Work Ready Course
Is your senior secondary student work ready? Find out what they need to know and get on the front foot to understand tax and superannuation. Take the course to clarify your own understanding and support your kids to get their finances sorted, right from the start..
Go to CourseTax, Super + You competition
Encourage your child to show their creative ideas to promote understanding of tax and super in the community. Open to students in Years 7-12 across Australia..
More informationKnow more about the Tax, Super + You content
Use Tax, Super + You resources to build your child’s life skills..
More informationLearning the curriculum through real-world contexts
Bringing the Australian curriculum to life with practical applications that equip kids for independent adult lives.
Learn moreAll activities in Tax, Super + You link to various curriculums around Australia, including the Australian Curriculum. Activities have been developed for the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area, Mathematics, English and Health and Physical Education, both for Years 7-10 and for Senior Secondary. Each activity includes curriculum links so that you can see what your child is learning in relation to the curriculum.
The focus of all activities is on delivering the curriculum through the real-world lens of financial literacy and responsible financial citizenship. If you are teaching from home, you can select from hundreds of activities and resources to support your child’s learning across the curriculum.
Explore our video collection
Everything you need to know about tax, super, starting a business and more.