Sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef
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Students examine the impact of agricultural run-off on the water quality of the Great Barrier Reef. They consider the various strategies that have been implemented by the Australian Government and how these strategies, particularly The Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017-2022, have succeeded in improving the water quality of the Great Barrier Reef.
This activity focuses on the geographical concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability and change.
Achievement standard
By the end of Year 9, students explain how geographical processes change the characteristics of places. They analyse interconnections between people, places and environments and explain how these interconnections influence people, and change places and environments. They predict changes in the characteristics of places over time and identify the possible implications of change for the future. Students analyse alternative strategies to a geographical challenge using environmental, social and economic criteria.
Students use initial research to identify geographically significant questions to frame an inquiry. They evaluate a range of primary and secondary sources to select and collect relevant and reliable geographical information and data. They record and represent multi-variable data in a range of appropriate digital and non-digital forms, including a range of maps that comply with cartographic conventions. They use a range of methods and digital technologies to interpret and analyse maps, data and other information to propose explanations for patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies across time and space, and to predict outcomes. Students synthesise data and information to draw reasoned conclusions. They present findings, arguments and explanations using relevant geographical terminology and digital representations in a range of appropriate communication forms. Students propose action in response to a geographical challenge, taking account of environmental, economic and social factors, and predict the outcomes and consequences of their proposal.
Content descriptions
Geography Knowledge and Understanding
Human alteration of biomes to produce food, industrial materials and fibres, and the use of systems thinking to analyse the environmental effects of these alterations (ACHGK061).
Geographical Inquiry and Skills
Apply geographical concepts to synthesise information from various sources and draw conclusions based on the analysis of data and information, taking into account alternative points of view (ACHGS068).
Teacher resources
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Agricultural run-off and the sustainability of the GBR
Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce Final Report Animation
Student learning resources
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Improving the water quality of the Great Barrier Reef
Protecting the Great Barrier Reef – Farming
Suggested activity sequence
This sequence is intended as a framework to be modified and adapted by teachers to suit the needs of a class group.
- Display and explain or discuss the information on the visualiser.
- Students complete the worksheet.
- As a class, discuss whether supporting farming communities to implement more sustainable practices is a good use of taxpayers’ money.
As part of the worksheet, students will watch the following videos: