SSBU5.1.1 Victoria mapping


Unit 1: Planning a Business 

Area of Study 2: External environment

Outcome 2

  • describe the external environment of a business and explain how the macro and operating factors within it may affect business planning.

Key knowledge

  • an overview of the factors within the external (macro and operating) environment and internal environment that affect business planning.

Operating factors that affect business planning

Key skills

  • define, describe, and apply relevant business management concepts and terms
  • acquire, record, interpret and share business information and ideas
  • research and analyse case studies and current examples of business management applicable to planning a business
  • apply business management knowledge to practical and/or simulated business situations

Area of Study 3: Internal environment

Outcome 3

  • describe the internal business environment and analyse how factors from within it may affect business planning.

Key knowledge

  • types of legal business structures such as sole trader, partnership, private limited company, public listed company and the factors affecting choice of business structure

Key skills

  • define, describe and apply relevant business management concepts and terms
  • research and analyse case studies and current examples of business management applicable to planning a business
  • apply business management knowledge to practical and/or simulated business situations
  • discuss the decisions made in response to the internal factors that affect a business.

Unit 3: Managing a Business 

Area of Study 1: Business foundations

Outcome 1

  • discuss the key characteristics of businesses and stakeholders, and analyse the relationship between corporate culture, management styles and management skills.

Key knowledge

  • types of businesses including sole traders, partnerships, private limited companies, public listed companies, social enterprises and government business enterprises
  • characteristics of stakeholders of businesses including their interests, potential conflicts between stakeholders, and corporate social responsibility considerations

Key skills

  • analyse case studies and contemporary examples of business management
  • interpret, discuss and evaluate business information and ideas
  • apply business management knowledge to practical and/or simulated