SSEC10.1.1 Tasmania mapping


Unit 1: An Introduction to Economics

Market failure and government policies

Economic knowledge

Main types of market failure:

  • income inequality: relative and absolute positive and negative externalities.

Economic decision-making

  • Analysis of market failure in terms of economic and social problems caused by income inequality. Inequity of free market for those on low or no income.

Economic policies and action

  • The link between market failure and the role of government
  • Government policy options to correct market failure – the use of taxes and subsidies, assigning property rights, regulating the use of common property, providing public goods and services.

Unit 2: Economic Management  

Macroeconomic activity

Economic knowledge

Roles of government in a modified market economy:

  • stabilising the business cycle redistributing income through taxation and spending and the provision of goods and services.

Unit 4: Investigation into a Contemporary Economic Issue 

Economic Issue 2: Income and Wealth Distribution in Australia 


  • Market outcomes can produce inequity. Economic policy can play a role in altering income and wealth distribution.

Key ideas

  • Taxation