Unit 1: Personal economic and financial decisions
Economic knowledge and understanding
- direct and indirect social welfare payments provided by the Commonwealth Government though Centrelink, including:
- pensions, such as the Age Pensions and Disability Support Pension
- benefits, such as the Child Care Benefit
- allowances, such as Youth Allowance and Newstart Allowance.
Reasoning, interpretation and analysis
- identify and organise relevant information within sources
- identify trends and relationships in economic or financial information and data, such as comparative investment returns from different portfolios and income distribution
- use evidence found in economic information and data to justify a conclusion.
- select and use appropriate terminology
- select and use appropriate formats when communicating economic understandings.
Unit 3 – Microeconomics
Economic knowledge and understanding
- policy options to promote equity.
Reasoning, interpretation and analysis
- identify and organise relevant information within sources
- identify trends and relationships in economic information and data on markets
- use evidence found in economic information and data to justify a conclusion.
- select and use appropriate terminology
- select and use appropriate formats when communicating economic understandings.
Unit 4 – Macroeconomics
Economic knowledge and understanding
Income distribution
- the concepts of income and wealth.
Economic objectives
- the economic objectives of the Australian Government eg: a more equitable distribution of income and the efficient allocation of resources.
Reasoning, interpretation and analysis
- identify trends and relationships in economic information and data on the macroeconomy
- use evidence found in economic information and data to justify a conclusion.
- select and use appropriate terminology
- select and use appropriate formats when communicating economic understandings.
Unit 1 – Microeconomics
Economic knowledge and understanding
- policy options to promote equity.
Reasoning, interpretation and analysis
- identify and organise relevant information within sources
- identify trends and relationships in economic information and data on markets
- use evidence found in economic information and data to justify a conclusion.
- select and use appropriate terminology
- select and use appropriate formats when communicating economic understandings.
Unit 2 – Macroeconomics
Economic knowledge and understanding
Income distribution
- the concepts of income and wealth.
Economic objectives
- the economic objectives of the Australian Government eg: a more equitable distribution of income and the efficient allocation of resources.
Reasoning, interpretation and analysis
- identify trends and relationships in economic information and data on the macroeconomy
- use evidence found in economic information and data to justify a conclusion.
- select and use appropriate terminology
- select and use appropriate formats when communicating economic understandings.