Unit 2: Economics
Unit 3: Economics
Market Failure
Macroeconomic Issues
Macroeconomic Theories
A Course
Concepts and principles
- examine principles, structure and operation of economic models (ECOA03).
Nature and purpose of economics
- explain the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions, markets and governments (ECOA06).
Types and forms
- explain the consequences of contemporary economic issues on individuals, firms and governments (ECOA08).
Inquiry, research and investigation
- formulate economic inquiry questions (ECOA10)
- select and organise information and data from a variety of sources for relevance and reliability (ECOA11)
- explain economic relationships through the interpretation of patterns, data and information (ECOA12)
- compose responses drawing on data, models theories and information (ECOA13).
- communicate economic information, ideas, issues and arguments using appropriate written and/or oral and graphic forms (ECOA14)
- use economic language in appropriate contexts to demonstrate economic knowledge.
T Course
Concepts and principles
- evaluate principles, structure and operation of economic models (ECOT03)
Nature and purpose of economics.
- evaluate the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions, markets and governments (ECOT06).
Types and forms
- hypothesise the consequences of contemporary economic issues on individuals, firms and governments (ECOT08).
Inquiry, research and investigation
- formulate economic inquiry questions (ECOT10)
- analyse information and data from a variety of sources for relevance, reliability and validity (ECOT11)
- evaluate economic relationships through the interpretation of patterns, data and information (ECOT12)
- compose responses drawing on data, models theories and information (ECOT13).
- communicate economic information, ideas, issues and arguments using appropriate written and/or oral and graphic forms (ECOT14)
- use economic language in appropriate contexts to demonstrate economic knowledge and understanding (ECOT15).
M Course
Concepts and principles
- examine principles, structure and operation of economic models (ECOM02).
Nature and purpose of economics
- describe the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions, markets and governments (ECOM04).
Inquiry, research and investigation
- formulate economic inquiry questions (ECOM06)
- compose responses drawing on data, models theories and information (ECOM07).
- communicate economic information, ideas, issues and arguments using appropriate written and/or oral and graphic forms (ECOM08)
- use economic language in appropriate contexts to demonstrate economic knowledge and understanding (ECOM09).