SSEC8.1.1 Victoria mapping


Unit 3: Australia's Economic Prosperity

Area of Study 1: An introduction to microeconomics: the market system, resource allocation and government intervention

Outcome 1

  • On completion of this unit the student should be able to explain how markets operate to allocate resources, and discuss the effect of government intervention on market outcomes.

Key knowledge

  • reasons for market failure: public goods, externalities, asymmetric information and common access resources.

Key knowledge

  • the effect of competitive markets on the efficiency of resource allocation
  • reasons for market failure: public goods, externalities, asymmetric information and common access resources
  • the role and effect of indirect taxation, subsidies, government regulations and government advertising as forms of government intervention in the market to address market failure.

Key skills

  • define key economic concepts and terms and use them appropriately
  • construct and interpret demand and supply diagrams
  • explain the effect of government intervention in markets.