Let’s get you started
Anyone can access Tax, Super + You without a login. However, to access our free curriculum aligned resources, or to create a class, you need to register.
Signing up is easy and will only take a couple of minutes. Follow these easy steps to help you get started so you can get instant access to over 1,000 free resources.
- Click on Register in the top right-hand corner to head to the registration form, or
- Register
- Note: If you are a parent, teacher or student, refer to the FAQ that relates to you.
- Select ‘Other’ in the ‘You are a’ section and click ‘Continue’.
- Fill out all required areas of the form (indicated by a red asterisk)..
- Name: First name, last name.
- Email: Use a valid email address.
- Password: . Your password must include:
- at least one special character, e.g. , ! @ # ? ]
- a mixture of letters and numbers
- at least 8 characters
- a mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters
- Organisation name: The organisation you work for.
- State and postcode: State and postcode of your organisation.
- How did you hear about us?: You don’t have to complete this, it’s just for our interest.
- Confirm you are not a robot.
- Click ‘Create account’.
That’s it!
You will now receive a welcome email and you can head to the home page or browse resources to find something that’s right for you.
Need help?
If you are stuck, we can help you out. Go to contact us, tell us what the issue is and we will do our best to respond to your request within 24-48 business hours.