Tax, Super + You has both activities and resources. Knowing the difference will help you use the website more effectively.
An activity is a complete learning sequence with all of the resources needed to conduct the activity provided. Activities include a suggested time allocation, links to the curriculum, a suggested activity sequence (a set of sequenced steps) and links to resources needed.
A resource is smaller in size and teachers or parents can select to use a resource on its own or as part of their own teaching and learning plan. Resources include:
- Worksheets
- Investigations
- Explainers
- Visualisers
- Group work
- Student instructions
There are also general resources which include:
- Videos
- Interactives
- Teaching tools
- Quizzes and online forms
- Templates
- How-tos
Like other resources, these can be used at any time or as a part of a teacher’s own teaching and learning plan.
So, an activity is like a lesson, or set of lessons, made up of the plan and links to the resources you need. Resources are included in an activity but can be used as stand-alone resources. You can search for both activities and resources on the Tax, Super + You website.