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Tax, Super + You brings you high-quality teacher-developed resources to use in secondary schools and at home. All our resources are free, easy to use and aligned with the Australian Curriculum and other syllabuses around Australia.
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Tax, Super + You Competition A fun and creative way for students in Years 7–12 to learn about tax and super
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Students learn about the roles and responsibilities of the 3 levels of government, including the division of powers.…
Students explore how past actions and events influence people today and how governments use tax revenue for the…
Does our tax system reflect our community values? In pairs, discuss the kinds of values that are being expressed…
Linked activities: Values of democracy and the tax system (AC v9.0) Values of democracy and the tax system…
All 3 levels of government in Australia work together to provide Australians with the goods and services they need.…
What is the division of powers and how do law making powers matter when it comes to the services our governments…
The project starters below are suggestions only. Students are encouraged to develop their own application for a project…
Read this hypothetical case study of a local government decision about land use. Ajax Adventure Company has purchased…
Linked activities Values of democracy and the tax system (AC v9.0) Values of democracy and the tax system (…
Research and review one type of tax in Australia to discover how well it supports the values of Australian democracy.…
Australian Citizenship Practice test
Research Role play Parliament to debate a bill to introduce a sugar tax. In order to debate the proposed Bill, you…