Economics and Business

Teach your students about earning an income, how to manage money and set financial goals. In addition, develop knowledge of basic business planning and what makes a business successful.

439 results


Comparing economies

Your task is to explore similarities and differences between the Australian economy and one other economy in the Asia…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Investigation


Types of goods and their characteristics

There are 4 types of goods in economics, which are defined based on excludability and rivalrousness in consumption.…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer


Public goods and merit goods

Work in pairs to complete this investigation. Identify as many goods and services that governments provide in your…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Investigation


How can taxes affect trade between countries?

As you read, highlight terms you do not understand. Reasons for and methods of protection To support domestic…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer


Public goods game

Keep your score for each round of the game. $4.00 for each red card kept. $1.00 for each card in the common…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet


Public goods game

Read the rules of the game and how to play it. Rules of the game You will play your cards throughout the game. You…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Instructions


What is the impact of tariffs on the market and economy?

What are the effects of imposing a tariff on a particular good that is both produced domestically and imported?…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet


How governments address externalities

What are externalities and what forms of government intervention might help to correct the market failure from…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer


Addressing externalities

Sketch fully labelled and annotated demand-supply diagrams showing how equilibrium prices and quantities traded in the…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet


Taxation and negative externalities

Your task is to work in groups to research and analyse how and why governments use taxation to influence the production…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Investigation


Modelling subsidies

How to explain the supply-side policies with the example of subsidies for electric cars. Assuming that the subsidy is…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Information


Income distribution, inequality and poverty

Income distribution Income distribution refers to how a nation’s total income is shared amongst its population. The…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer