Teach your students about earning an income, how to manage money and set financial goals. In addition, develop knowledge of basic business planning and what makes a business successful.
444 results
Basic economic problem
What is the basic economic problem?
The fundamental economic problem is the issue of scarcity and how best to produce…
Economics & Business
Year 7
Trade-offs and costs of decisions
Directions: read each scenario and decide what you would choose. Identify the trade-off(s) and opportunity cost(s) of…
Economics & Business
Year 7
Public and private goods
Linked activity:
Who provides the goods and services I need and want
Economics & Business
Year 7
In the market for a mobile phone
If you’re in the market for a new phone, you can buy it outright or on a plan.
Buy outright – You pay the full cost…
Economics & Business
Year 7
Choosing a mobile phone plan
Luna’s phone is broken, so she’s in the market for a new one. She currently owns her own phone and has 2 options to…
Economics & Business
Year 7
SWOT analysis
Linked activity:
Strategic thinking skills of entrepreneurs – SWOT analysis
Economics & Business
Year 7
Government decisions game
Government service
Decision number
Cost or benefit to welfare
Running total (starting score…
Economics & Business
Year 7
Government decisions game
Follow these instructions to play the game.
Each group is the government of a nation and must decide on how to spend…
Economics & Business
Year 7
Decision-making strategy
Linked activities:
How to choose what to buy
Economics & Business
Year 7
Making an informed consumer decision
Part 1: Making a purchasing decision
You need a new mobile phone plan that includes a phone.
Search the…
Economics & Business
Year 7
Become a spending detective
Eileen’s spending is out of control! Can you help her?
Eileen’s situation
Eileen works at the local supermarket on…
Economics & Business
Year 8
Creating a budget
Use the relevant workbooks in the Interactive budget templates to complete either option 1 or 2 below (you can do both…