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Tax, Super + You brings you high-quality teacher-developed resources to use in secondary schools and at home. All our resources are free, easy to use and aligned with the Australian Curriculum and other syllabuses around Australia.
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Tax, Super + You Competition A fun and creative way for students in Years 7–12 to learn about tax and super
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Year level
Advertising in sport has changed over the decades. For many years, tobacco and alcohol brands were advertised at…
Summarise how the health, safety, relationships and wellbeing of young people is supported through government-funded…
Excerpts from Sport 2030 forward by John Wylie AM, Chair of Sport Australia Copy the…
Intentions of Sport 2030 Barriers will be reduced, allowing greater access to sporting facilities and infrastructure…
Part 1: Health Examine at least 3 local fast-food options and decide which is bad, better, best in terms of healthy…
Work in groups of 4 to complete this task. Analyse how physical activity is currently embedded within your school for…
Design, justify and promote a health-related program or facility for a specific group and setting. Select A…
Governments work together to improve the health outcomes of all Australians.Part 1: States and territories working…
How does the health status of Australian citizens compare with other countries and what difference does tax spending on…
Delve into one health initiative and investigate how it has been received by members of the Australian public. Part 1…
Select one of the following tax-funded programs, services or initiatives to investigate. Use the questions to guide…
Explore 3 different existing health-related research projects or reports. Find the following information: What was the…