
Build student knowledge of key taxation concepts through real-world historical examples. 

40 results


Class museum of tax

Your task is to conduct a group inquiry on the role of tax in the ancient society you are currently learning about.…

  • History
  • Year 7
  • investigation


Sources recording table

List the bibliographical information of all sources from which you have taken information. Books Author/s…

  • History
  • Year 10
  • worksheets


Ideas, revolution and taxation

You are going to collaboratively investigate taxation as a cause and effect of revolution. It was during the Age of…

  • History
  • Year 8
  • investigation


Tax and welfare on the home front - Sources

Print one set of sources for each group of 4 students. Laminate if possible as the sources will be used for several…

  • History
  • Year 9
  • explainer


Perspectives on income tax

Source Nature of source (Primary, Secondary, author, purpose, date, context)…

  • History
  • Year 9
  • worksheets


Four brothers lost in battle

Part 1: Video viewing guide How many Australian families lost 4 sons at war? What is unique about the…

  • History
  • Year 9
  • worksheets


Life on the home front (World War I)

Group Possible activities and/or sacrifices on the home front Why those activities or…

  • History
  • Year 9
  • worksheets

Teacher tool

Welfare events

Write the following events on cards or paper to post on the wall. Alternatively, download and print the welfare cards…

  • History
  • Year 10
  • template

How to

Writing a bibliography in History

When you are asked to communicate your findings to an inquiry, you should include abibliography. A bibliography lists…

  • History
  • explainer


Bibliography example for History

Primary sources Lord, J.K. "American Furs: How Trapped and Traded." [c. 1866]. Canadiana Online, eco.canadiana.ca…

  • History
  • template


Source analysis worksheet

Consider the following questions as you analyse each source for its reliability. Table 1: Focus questions…

  • History
  • Year 9
  • worksheets


The making of a welfare state

Print one set of sources for each group of 4 students. Laminate if possible as the sources will be used for several…

  • History
  • Year 10
  • explainer