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Tax, Super + You brings you high-quality teacher-developed resources to use in secondary schools and at home. All our resources are free, easy to use and aligned with the Australian Curriculum and other syllabuses around Australia.
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Tax, Super + You Competition A fun and creative way for students in Years 7–12 to learn about tax and super
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By playing a game, students develop an understanding of the trade-offs that governments make when they allocate…
Students investigate why businesses exist and the different ways they can be structured. They develop and apply…
Students consider where their own strengths lie and identify actions they could take to strengthen the qualities they…
In this activity, students investigate how people earn an income, why people work and the different types of work that…
Students engage in a hypothetical dog-walking business to practise keeping a business journal and explain how, as…
In this activity, students decide if different people are spenders or savers and consider what actions these people may…
In this activity, students learn how to set SMART short- and long-term financial goals and consider why it is important…
Students develop a basic understanding of the indicators of business success in relation to each business function,…
As the world becomes more and more digitised, the prevalence of scams has also increased. Scams, including identity…
Threat-based impersonation scams are on the rise. Many organisations, such as the ATO are especially vulnerable to…
In this activity, students learn that they will experience unexpected events in their lives which may put them under…
In this activity, students investigate the living standards of different countries in the Asia region. They locate…