Humanities & Social Sciences

Dedicated lessons across key curriculum areas to give students practical and applied knowledge of Australia’s tax and superannuation systems.

808 results


Which investment option is best?

You are a qualified financial advisor for a reputable financial planning company. Work in pairs to provide advice to 2…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 10
  • Investigation

Data sheet

Life events cards

Print one copy for each group of 4 students, cut into individual cards and distribute one set to each group. …

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • Data sheet


Life events wildcards

Print one copy and cut into individual cards to share among groups.   Have several superannuation funds:…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • Information


Super and life events

Calculate the impact of your wildcard/s on retirement outcomes and consider how to mitigate these impacts. Assume…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • Worksheet


You make the decision

Play the role of the federal Treasurer. People representing organisations and government departments will try and…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • Instructions


How much super will I need?

What is super?Currently employers in Australia must, by law, pay into a super fund, super to their eligible employees…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • Explainer


Playing the long game

Most people have super and it will make their lives better when they retire. Use the moneysmart retirement planner to…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • Worksheet


Employee or contractor?

Some businesses sell services, such as an electrician or plumber. However, if a person only works for one business, it…

  • Business
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet


What is the shadow economy?

Some businesses (and individuals) deliberately try to avoid paying tax by operating outside the tax and regulatory…

  • Business
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer


What if?

Now that you have learned about the shadow economy and different shadow economy business activities, consider the…

  • Business
  • Senior secondary
  • Instructions


Tax law and our values

Does tax law reflect Australian values and the key ideas underpinning our democracy? Taxation cannot be collected…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • Investigation


Advice on achieving long-term financial goals

You are a qualified financial advisor for a reputable financial planning company. Work in pairs to provide advice to 2…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 10
  • Investigation