Humanities & Social Sciences

Dedicated lessons across key curriculum areas to give students practical and applied knowledge of Australia’s tax and superannuation systems.

813 results

Flood mapping and flood warning program

Students access and use an interactive map of Brisbane to draw conclusions about the extent of historical flooding…

  • Geography
  • Year 8
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

Perspectives on marine parks

Students explore how the Australian and state and territory governments have worked together to establish marine parks…

  • Geography
  • Year 8
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

Superannuation - Risks and rewards

There are both risks and rewards associated with all investments, including superannuation. In this activity students…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

How tax contributes to community and civic life

Students consider the importance of people as models to be emulated in a productive society and they explore the role…

  • Civics & Citizenship
  • Year 9
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

Saving, investing and super

In this activity, students explore what they can do with their money and the risks and rewards associated with each…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Responsibilities of workplace participants

In this activity, students learn about the responsibilities of employers and employees in relation to taxation and…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Starting a job

In this activity, students develop an understanding of the steps they need to take when they start a job and why these…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Tax, super and pay slips

In this activity, students learn how to check that their employers are meeting their responsibilities in relation to…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

My responsibilities in relation to tax

In this activity, students also explore the concept of honesty, how honest they are and the consequences of being…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Cash, tax and super

In this activity, students learn what happens if their employer tries to avoid paying tax and super on their behalf by…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Tax spending

This activity introduces students to the concept of a federal Budget and how the government uses tax revenue to fund…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Taxation systems and living standards

In this activity, students investigate the living standards of different countries in the Asia region. They locate…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity