Provide students with a detailed understanding of the business environment including relevant legislation. Build the knowledge needed for independence, including financial literacy around tax and superannuation.
196 results
Government decision cards
Print one copy for every 6 students, cut into individual cards and distribute one set to each group.…
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Government decisions game
Government service
Decision number
Cost or benefit to welfare
Running total (starting score…
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Ethical principles
Linked activity:
Fairness of the taxation system
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Income tax and the redistribution of income
Linked activity:
Fairness of the taxation system
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Decision-making strategy
Linked activities:
Making decisions
You make the decision
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Scams and identity theft
Scammers want to steal your identity for financial gain
Scams overall
5 YEARS 94%
2018 vs 2014
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Investment options and risk and reward
Linked activity:
Superannuation - Risks and rewards
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Starting a job
Linked activity:
Starting a job
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Starting a job
Part 1: Apply for a TFN
Apply for a TFN using the simulated TFN online application.
In pairs, investigate…
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
Completing a TFN declaration
The ATO has an online services simulator for educational purposes. This includes a scenario to complete a TFN…
NSW Commerce
Stage 5
What if?
Now that you have explored the relationship between a country’s taxation system and living standards, consider the…