
Tax, Super + You gives you the resources to teach tomorrow’s adults today. There are hundreds of high quality educator developed resources that give real-world contexts to teach financial literacy in a way that directly links to multiple areas of the curriculum. Our resources equip students with the skills to survive and thrive in the adult world, as active and informed citizens. 

1744 results


Reading & Constructing an Income Tax Graph

Reading & Constructing an Income Tax Graph   Linked activity: Impact of changes to the income tax…

  • Mathematics
  • Year 8
  • Information


Australian Government spending

  Linked activity: The importance of the Australian Taxation system

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser


Tax in our lives today - Part 1

Click on the image below to locate all the goods and services that: have government involvement. incurred a tax or…

  • General resources
  • Interactive


Should sugar be taxed?

Part 1: Does taxing fat work? The Australian of the Year 2020 Dr James Mueckefight against sugar In this acceptance…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Investigation


Government influences on decisions

  Linked activities: Who provides the goods and services I need and want Taxing fat

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser


Impact of tax on production and consumption

  Linked activities: Who provides the goods and services I need and want Taxing fat

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser


Why is Labor holding on to the stage-three tax cuts?

Why is Labor holding on to the stage-three tax cuts?   Linked activity: Impact of changes to the income…

  • Mathematics
  • Year 8
  • Information


What does a bank statement tell you?

Part 1: Interpreting bank statements Bank statement - Sample Account details Codes Name…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Worksheet

Online form

TFN application (simulated online application)

TFN application (simulated online application)    

  • General resources
  • Online form


Starting a job

  Linked activity: Starting a job

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser


Starting a job

Part 1: Apply for a TFN Apply for a TFN using the simulated TFN online application. In pairs, investigate…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Worksheet


The consequences of dishonesty

Being honest is not always easy but the risks of being dishonest can have serious consequences. These range from losing…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Instructions