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What type of tax is this?

Average rate of taxIt is difficult to know if taxation is proportional, regressive or progressive without calculating…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet

Redistribution of income

In Australia, the government uses budgetary measures such as the tax-transfer system to reduce inequality in the…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer

Redistribution of income

Table 1: Changes to the personal income tax-free threshold 2012–20 2011–15 Tax rate…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Data sheet

Modelling welfare reform

How to explain supply-side policies with the example of welfare reform. The increase in Australia’s productive…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Information

Redistribution of income in Australia

Use the data on the Redistribution of income – Data sheet to complete the following. Discuss the main forms of…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet

Redistribution of income

On 27 July 2015, the then Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey claimed in an interview on ABC RN Breakfast that: ’50% of all…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet

A map of the local area

A map of the local area (e.g. Google maps) 

  • Geography
  • Year 7
  • Information

Superannuation and equity

Australia has an ageing population which means that there will be increasing pressure on the welfare system and less…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer

Superannuation and equity

Your task is to work in pairs to research a superannuation policy and evaluate its effectiveness in improving equity in…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Investigation

The Budget - Receipts and outlays

Each year, the Australian Government outlines how it will collect (receipts) and spend the money it receives (outlays)…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Explainer

The impact of a tax change

Your teacher has provided your group with a proposal to change the current taxation system. Brainstorm the likely…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Instructions

The Budget - Receipts and outlays

To answer the following questions, refer to The Budget: receipts and outlays – Explainer. Government receipts What…

  • Economics
  • Senior secondary
  • Worksheet