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1744 results

Reading & Constructing an Income Tax Graph

Reading & Constructing an Income Tax Graph   Linked activity: Impact of changes to the income tax…

  • Mathematics
  • Year 8
  • Information

Australian Government spending

  Linked activity: The importance of the Australian Taxation system

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser

Tax in our lives today - Part 1

Click on the image below to locate all the goods and services that: have government involvement. incurred a tax or…

  • General resources
  • Interactive

Should sugar be taxed?

Part 1: Does taxing fat work? The Australian of the Year 2020 Dr James Mueckefight against sugar In this acceptance…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Investigation

Government influences on decisions

  Linked activities: Who provides the goods and services I need and want Taxing fat

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser

Impact of tax on production and consumption

  Linked activities: Who provides the goods and services I need and want Taxing fat

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser

Why is Labor holding on to the stage-three tax cuts?

Why is Labor holding on to the stage-three tax cuts?   Linked activity: Impact of changes to the income…

  • Mathematics
  • Year 8
  • Information

What does a bank statement tell you?

Part 1: Interpreting bank statements Bank statement - Sample Account details Codes Name…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Worksheet

TFN application (simulated online application)

TFN application (simulated online application)    

  • General resources
  • Online form

Starting a job

  Linked activity: Starting a job

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Visualiser

Starting a job

Part 1: Apply for a TFN Apply for a TFN using the simulated TFN online application. In pairs, investigate…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Worksheet

The consequences of dishonesty

Being honest is not always easy but the risks of being dishonest can have serious consequences. These range from losing…

  • Economics & Business
  • Year 8
  • Instructions