
1789 results

ATO online services via myGov

VideoGeneral resources

Why should people pay tax?

VideoGeneral resources

Data matching

VideoGeneral resources

Protect your personal information

This video explains how and why you should protect your personal information.
VideoGeneral resources


InteractiveGeneral resources

Become a spending detective

Eileen’s spending is out of control! Can you help her? Eileen’s situation Eileen is paid $60 pocket money each week. She is responsible for paying all her bus fares, sporting fees, phone credit and things she wants. She needs to save for the school camp but never seems to have money left over at the end of each week. In fact, each week she borrows money to pay for her bus fares. She’s desperate to find a solution. School camp is going to cost…
Case studyEconomics & BusinessYear 7

Creating a budget

Use the relevant workbooks in the Interactive budget templates to complete either option 1 or 2 below (you can do both if time permits). Option 1 Create your own budget by completing the first column of the budget workbook in the interactive budget templates. Add categories if you need.  Track your income and spending over the next month. How well did you stay within your budget? What will you change next month? Is your budget balanced, or…
WorksheetEconomics & BusinessYear 7
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In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…