
1789 results

Using taxes and social welfare payments to redistribute income

Even in a wealthy country, such as Australia, some people have little or no money, few goods, and limited means of support. The government provides financial support to particular groups of people. These social welfare payments are a form of unearned income for these people. Most are paid through Centrelink (a federal government agency). Image: Column graph showing the number of social welfare recipients in December 2018. The vertical axis…
ExplainerEconomics & BusinessYear 10

Writing a bibliography in History

When you are asked to communicate your findings to an inquiry, you should include abibliography. A bibliography lists thearticles and other sources that you have cited inalphabetical order by the author's family name. You can divide the bibliography into sections,i.e. primary and secondary sources. Books Example: Ryan, Simon. The Cartographic Eye: How Explorers saw Australia. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Author surname,…
How toGeneral resources

Bibliography example for History

Primary sources Lord, J.K. "American Furs: How Trapped and Traded." [c. 1866]. Canadiana Online, [25 Oct. 2017] National Archives of Australia: P1556, Heard Island 1954. Nelson, Robert. "Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada, February 1838." A History of Canada's Peoples: Beginnings to 1867. Margaret Conrad, 6th ed. vol 1, Pearson, 2015, pp. 256-257.  Secondary…
TemplateGeneral resources

Values of the taxation system

Does our tax system reflect our community values? In pairs, discuss the kinds of values that are being expressed through Australia's system of tax. You could consider the following quotation in your discussion: 'The ATO contributes to the economic and social wellbeing of Australians by fostering willing participation in the tax and super systems.' (Chris Jordan, Commissioner of Taxation, 15 March 2018) The 9 values in 'Values for…
WorksheetCivics & CitizenshipYear 10

Class museum of tax

Your task is to conduct a group inquiry on the role of tax in the ancient society you are currently learning about. Part 1: Investigate In your groups, think-pair-share a range of questions that you will investigate to discover the role of tax in the society you are studying. Conduct your research. As you conduct your research, record the sources your group consulted in the sources recording table. Part 2: Museum display Present your group…
InvestigationHistoryYear 7

Sources recording table

List the bibliographical information of all sources from which you have taken information. Books Author/s Title of book Place of publication Publisher Date of publication Other details…
WorksheetHistoryYear 10
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In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…