
1789 results

Perspectives on marine parks

Recording table Stakeholders Perceived benefits of the marine park Perceived problems of the marine park Overall view on marine parks Tourists Conservationists Commercial fishermen Shipping companies…
WorksheetGeographyYear 8

Noosa toursim levy

Use an online map to identify geographical attractions of the Noosa area. Use figure 1 to: describe the seasonal pattern of tourists in Noosa explain the seasonal nature of tourism in Noosa.   Figure 1: Noosa’s domestic overnight seasonality 2017 Image: Column graph showing Noosa’s domestic overnight seasonality in 2017. The vertical axis shows the number of visitors from zero to 140,000 in increments of 20,000. The…
WorksheetGeographyYear 9

Byron Shire role cards

Print one copy and cut into individual cards and distribute one card to each group.   Local residents     Tourists for the day     Local business owners     Accommodation providers     Tourists staying overnight     Residents and business owners in Ballina, a tourist resort, 30km south of Byron Bay     Linked activities: Byron Shire…
InformationGeographyYear 9

Choosing a super fund

  Linked activity: Choosing a super fund
VisualiserEconomics & BusinessYear 10

Strategies for sustainable tourism

PMI chart Strategy Positive impacts of the strategy Negative impacts on the strategy Interesting points of the strategy (this might include areas for improvement of the negative impacts)   Linked activities:…
WorksheetGeographyYear 9

Is income tax fair?

The amount employees earn before tax is called gross income. The amount they are paid, after tax has been deducted is called net income, or disposable income. Part 1: Paint a picture In groups of 4, review the following examples of different taxpayer scenarios for workers who are paid fortnightly. Scenario 1 – Executive worker Scenario 2 – Business owner Scenario 3 – Part-time worker Scenario…
InvestigationNSW CommerceStage 5

Citizenship Challenge

Complete this activity in pairs. Be prepared to share your responses with the class. With a partner, complete the Deakin University Challenge. As you do, read the text that goes with each question. Tally the number of questions that relate to: Subject Tally Australian government Australian symbolism Beliefs, rights and responsibilities of…
WorksheetCivics & CitizenshipYear 8

Improving the water quality of the Great Barrier Reef

Refer to source A. Identify the targets that The Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017–2022 has set for dissolved inorganic nitrogen and sediment. Describe the changes that have been made to levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and sediment from 2008–09 to 2015–1 Source A Long-term progress towards 2025 water quality targets Source: The Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017–2022 Watch: Great Barrier Reef Water…
WorksheetGeographyYear 9
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