
1789 results

Which individual income tax system works best?

Open the income tax calculator. Part 1: Compare different income tax systems Hayley earns $50,000 per year as a part–time primary school teacher; Neil earns $120,000 per year as a shotfirer on a mine site; Tayla earns $250,000 per year as a pilot and Tyrone earns $600,000 per year as an AFL footballer. Type the income and tax rates in the interactive calculator to investigate the total tax payable by each of these individuals and the…
WorksheetNSW CommerceStage 5

Checking pay slips

Part 1: Calculating taxUse the ATOs weekly tax table to work out how much tax should have been withheld in the following scenarios.Income detailsAlex – 15 years of age, worked 20 hoursBin – 21 years of age, worked 38 hours full-timeSuzie – 16 years of age, worked 38 hoursGross income for the week$321$1,292$851Tax withheldNet weekly incomeSuzie is working for over 30 hours a week during the school holidays. She earns $851 a week for 10 weeks of…
WorksheetNSW CommerceStage 5

Tax in our lives today and tomorrow

Play: Tax in our lives today - Interactive or Tax and you if instructed by your teacher.  As you play, complete the following table. Services that the family used during the day that have government involvement or were subsidised by tax. Goods or services that the family used during the day that incurred a tax or government fee…
WorksheetNSW CommerceStage 5

Negative externalities and ways of reducing them

In many situations the market fails to capture the external impacts of a transaction. These impacts can be benefits or costs. These side-effects of economic activity can be: the result of production or consumption a benefit (a positive) or a cost (a negative). These side effects are called externalities. They have this name as they affect people who are ‘external’ to a transaction (a ‘third party’). What is a negative externality…
ExplainerEconomics & BusinessYear 10

Influences on government policy

Work in groups of 3 or 4 to complete this investigation. Choose an organisation to research Your team will focus on one organisation from the category you were given, that is, either: business association or industry or union or non-profit organisation. Agree on an organisation to focus on and begin your research.  To support your team to identify an organisation to research, discuss the task with family, community members and other…
InvestigationNSW CommerceStage 5

Ethical super funds

More than a buzzword: the ins and outs of ‘ethical super’ Posted by Adam Verwey August 2, 2018 (adapted) When you choose a super fund, you have the option of choosing either an ethical super fund or a sustainable or ethical investment options within a super fund.  According to the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA) 2017 Benchmark Report, the percentage of funds in core ethical investment products increased by 80% over…
ArticleEconomics & BusinessYear 10

Poster Evaluation

Name of poster:    Poster producer:   Does the poster provide an accurate description of the process used by the Australian Parliament to create and pass legislation? Rating 1-5 with 5 being the highest 1 2 3 4 5 Comment   Are the graphics clear and help understanding of the passage of a law from an idea to Royal Assent? Rating 1-5 with 5 being the highest 1 2 3 4 5 Comment  …
WorksheetNSW CommerceStage 5

Government grant application

Names of applicants   Name of the project requiring funding   Purpose of the project   Description of project   Amount of funding required:   Suggest who will benefit from the project People across Australia People state-wide The local community/ratepayers       Linked activities: Tax, services and the division of power (AC…
Online formCivics & CitizenshipYear 7
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Does your teen need to lodge a tax return this year? We’ve…
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The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 was approved by…
    Tax, Super + You wins the 2021-22 Institute of…
In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…