Design and publish a coffee table book
Linked activity:
Tax spending and our sense of community (AC v9.0)
Tax spending and our sense of community (AC v8.4)
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 8Work it out
Australia has a progressive income tax system, which means the more people earn, the more they pay in tax.In small groups investigate the following:Refer to is income tax?Who pays income tax?How much income tax do people pay?Use the Moneysmart Income tax calculator to find out how much tax you would pay if you earned the incomes listed in table 1.Table 1: Tax amounts on different incomesIncomeTax payable$18,200$35,000$60,000$220,…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationYear 8A super future
Linked activities:
How policies are shaped with a case study of superannuation (AC v9.0)
How policies are shaped with a case study of superannuation (AC v8.4)
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 9Influences on government policy
Linked activities:
Influences on government policy and the media (AC v9.0)
Influences on government policy and the media (AC v8.4)
Influences on government policy and the media (NSW Commerce)
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 9Why does the media matter in our democracy?
Linked activities:
Influences on government policy and the media (AC v9.0)
Influences on government policy and the media (AC v8.4)
Influences on government policy and the media (NSW Commerce)
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 9Navigating the media
Linked activities:
Influences on government policy and the media (AC v9.0)
Influences on government policy and the media (AC v8.4)
Influences on government policy and the media (NSW Commerce)
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 9Should Unearthed be funded by taxpayers?
Linked activities:
How tax contributes to community and civic life (AC v9.0)
How tax contributes to community and civic life (AC v8.4)
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 9Tax revenue
Linked activities:
Tax systems and quality of life (AC v9.0)
Tax systems and quality of life (AC v8.4)
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 10