
1789 results

Overfishing and responses by Queensland

  Linked activities: Queensland's sustainable fishing strategy (AC v9.0) Queensland's sustainable fishing strategy (AC v8.4)
VisualiserGeographyYear 9

Too many super accounts

Watch: Too many super accounts? This video explains that having one super account makes it easier to keep track of your super – with myGov you can view and combine all your super accounts.Why isn’t it a good idea to have multiple super accounts?How can your myGov account help?When might someone get a new super account?List steps you can take to ensure you don’t end up with too many accounts.In your own words, write the 3 most important messages…
Video guideGeneral resources

Village and the boy named Tax

This video highlights a high school student’s perspective of the value of tax in the community. Watch: Village and the boy named Tax What did Tax do that was good for everyone? Why did the villagers think Tax was bad? Why did the villagers send Tax away? What made the villagers realise they had made a mistake by sending Tax away? What happened to the following when Tax was taken away: school hospital parks…
Video guideGeneral resources

Super obligations for employers

Listen: Superannuation basics for employers. This audio provides an overview of employers’ responsibilities in relation to superannuation. As you listen to the audio, use the scaffold below to make a list of employers’ responsibilities in relation to super. As an employer, when am I required to pay super for my employees? What percentage of their ordinary pay do I have to contribute to their super fund? Do I only have to pay super…
Video guideGeneral resources

How to create a myGov account and link to the ATO

Watch: This video explains how you can create a myGov account and link to the ATO to manage your tax and super online. How to create a myGov account and link to the ATO What does a myGov account enable you to do? If you link your myGov account to the ATO, what things will you be able to do? What’s the first step you need to take to create a myGov account? Can you use the same email address as someone else when you set up…
Video guideGeneral resources

What is Democracy?

Watch: This video provides an overview of some of the key features of democracy. What is Democracy? Australia is a democracy. What does this mean? Who is responsible for voting for decisions on our behalf?  What is a referendum?  Complete the Venn diagram showing the differences and similarities between direct democracy and representative democracy. Include examples of each. Direct Democracy (unique features) Similarities…
Video guideGeneral resources

What is Parliament?

Watch: This video outlines the structure and key functions of the Australian Parliament. What is Parliament? What are the 3 things parliament is made up of? How does our voting in elections influence what happens in parliament? How many Senators are elected to the Senate? Members are elected to the House of Representatives? The political party with the most members in the House of Representatives forms what…
Video guideGeneral resources

GrantConnect - Discovery and Grants Awarded

Watch: This video explains how the Australian Government supports individuals and businesses and the purpose of GrantConnect. GrantConnect – Discovery and Grants awarded How much money does the government grant individuals, communities and organisations each year? What are some of the ways that grants assist Australians? What is the purpose of GrantConnect? Why did they create this website? What can you do through GrantConnect…
Video guideGeneral resources
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Does your teen need to lodge a tax return this year? We’ve…
Teachers! We’re here to help with everything you need to…
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 was approved by…
    Tax, Super + You wins the 2021-22 Institute of…
In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…