
1789 results

Maximising your retirement income

 Part 1: Consolidating your superImagine you have 3 different casual jobs over the next few years. Because you didn’t nominate a super fund when you started each job, your employer chose your super fund on your behalf. Each of your 3 employers chose a different fund.Below is a table of your super account balances, returns and costs in the third year.Eva's super accountsCurrent balanceAnnual returnReturnNew balanceAnnual fees and chargesFees…
WorksheetMathematicsYear 10

Maximising your superannuation

Let’s apply your learning about superannuation to your own situation! Step 1: Choose a job Choose a career that interests you. Research the salary you can expect to earn. There are several websites that will help. Type ‘job salaries in Australia’ into a search engine. What can you expect to earn each year? Step 2: Choose a superannuation fund If you haven’t already viewed Choosing a super fund, or need a refresher, view it now.…
InvestigationMathematicsYear 10

Tax models

Tax models
InteractiveGeneral resources

Graphing data distributions and associations

Part 1 – How data affects mean and medianTable 1: The annual salaries of 25 people in one street in a new suburb of Canberra$71,562$49,587$53,654$102,658$42,985$31,595$24,450$26,860$55,614$56,555$50,500$37,951$44,214$64,195$81,687$41,665$59,654$18,671$54,450$42,900$61,460$38,523$78,159$52,365$67,22Open a new spreadsheet and put the salary data in a table with the following headings. Annual salaryEmployer's super contributions (11.5% of salary) $…
WorksheetMathematicsYear 10

Distribution of income and super in Australia

Explore, graph, and analyse data sets to answer questions about the distribution of income and superannuation in Australia. Part 1: How is Australia’s income distributed? Annual income range ($1,000s) No of people (1,000s) 1-25 834 25-50 5336 50-75 4502 75-100 2501 100-125 1501…
InvestigationMathematicsYear 10

Linear and exponential functions card sets

Organise students into groups of 3 or 4. Give groups the following linear and exponential function cards in the order given below. Only give them a set of cards after they have matched the previous set. Linked activity: Simple versus compound interest  
InformationMathematicsYear 10

Linear and exponential functions - Solutions

Linked activity: Simple versus compound interest
WorksheetMathematicsYear 10

Growing your super

For these tasks you will set up a spreadsheet to investigate the difference making small payments more often makes to your super balance. Select one of the tasks. Task 1 You have been working for 10 years and your super balance has been growing, but you’ve decided to take a year off and travel overseas. You won’t be making any super contributions during that time. However, your super will still be growing because of the investments made by…
InvestigationMathematicsYear 10
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