
1789 results

SSBU1.1.1 Queensland mapping

BUSINESS Unit 1: Business Creation  Topic 2: Creation of business ideas Business ideation the seed stage of the business life cycle Unit 2: Business Growth  Topic 1: Establishment of a business describe business facts, features and characteristics relating to a business in the start-up stage of the business life cycle explain the role of budgeting in the strategic planning of a start-up business. create responses to…

SSBU1.1.1 SA mapping

BUSINESS INNOVATION Start-up business Finding and solving problems Collect and analyse information and feedback to inform the iterative process of proposing, developing, and testing solutions. Financial awareness and decision-making Analyse and respond to information that confirms or denies their initial hypotheses and assumptions. Business information and communication Identify business information needs and implement appropriate…

SSBU1.1.1 Tasmania mapping

BUSINESS STUDIES FOUNDATION Activity: Starting a business Unit 3: Establishing a Small Business  The business plan Business decision making Importance of a business plan to entrepreneurs, owners and managers.

SSBU1.1.1 Victoria mapping

Business Management Activity: Starting a business Unit 1: Planning a Business Area of Study 1 The business idea Outcome 1 describe how and why business ideas are created and developed, and explain the methods by which a culture of business innovation and entrepreneurship may be fostered in a nation. Key knowledge the importance of goal setting in business Area of Study 2 External environment Outcome 2 describe the external…

SSBU2.1.1 ACT mapping

BUSINESS A Course Entrepreneurship Nature and purpose of business examine the nature and role of business and enterprise (BUSA08). Issues, perspectives and viewpoints discuss the impact of government policies and legal requirements on business activity (BUSA13). Inquiry, research and investigation conduct research and acquire business information on contemporary business issues from a variety of sources (BUSA15). T Course…

SSBU2.1.1 NSW mapping

BUSINESS STUDIES Business Planning  Students learn to: discuss the influence of government on SMEs. Students learn about: influences in establishing a small to medium enterprise personal qualities – qualifications, skills, motivation, entrepreneurship, cultural background, gender.

SSBU2.1.1 QLD mapping

BUSINESS Unit 1: Business Creation  Topic 1: Fundamentals of business Explain: internal, operating and macro environmental factors including political and ethical forces leadership and management roles in different business structures, including owners, managers, directors, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Topic 2: Creation of business ideas Business ideation Explain: ­ skills, characteristics and motives of entrepreneurs…

SSBU2.1.1 SA mapping

BUSINESS INNOVATION Start-up business Finding and solving problems collect and analyse information and feedback to inform the iterative process of proposing, developing, and testing solutions Financial awareness and decision-making analyse and respond to information that confirms or denies their initial hypotheses and assumptions Business information and communication identify business information needs and implement appropriate…
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