
1789 results

SSBU8.1.1 SA mapping

BUSINESS INNOVATION Existing business Financial awareness and decision-making assess ongoing cash flow requirements of the business.

SSBU8.1.1 Tasmania mapping

BUSINESS STUDIES FOUNDATION Unit 5: Operating a Small Business - Accounting and Finance (30 hours) Social, environmental and ethical factors Taxation responsibilities, non-disclosure of information, cash handling and security Business decision making Implications for owner/managers.  

SSBU8.1.1 Victoria mapping

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Unit 2: Establishing a Business Area of Study 1 Legal requirements and financial considerations Outcome 1 explain the importance when establishing a business of complying with legal requirements and financial record keeping, and establishing effective policies and procedures. Key knowledge an overview of legal requirements for establishing a business such as registering the business name, registering a website…

SSBU8.1.1 WA mapping

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE GENERAL COURSE Unit 2 Environments legal requirements for operating small to medium enterprises (SMEs), including sole traders and partnerships: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Business activity statement (BAS) reporting Operations nature and purpose of the following source documents: tax invoice

SSBU9.1.1 ACT mapping

BUSINESS A Course Concepts and principles apply relevant business ideas, practices, and concepts (BUSA07) Nature and purpose of business apply business and financial strategies to business situations (BUSA09) T Course Concepts and principles apply relevant business ideas, practices, and concepts (BUST07) Nature and purpose of business apply a range of business and financial strategies to business situations (BUST09) M…

SSBU9.1.1 NSW mappping

BUSINESS STUDIES Finance Students learn to: examine contemporary business issues to: analyse the influence of government and the global market on financial management. Students learn about: influences on financial management influence of government – Australian Securities and Investments Commission, company taxation.

SSBU9.1.1 SA mapping

BUSINESS INNOVATION Existing business Financial awareness and decision-making analyse and respond to business and financial information that confirms or denies their initial hypotheses and assumptions. explore and use decision-making and change management strategies in relation to an existing business, product, or service assess ongoing cash flow requirements of the business.

SSBU9.1.1 Tasmania mapping

Business Studies Foundation Unit 5: Operating a Small Business - Accounting and Finance (30 hours)  Social, environmental and ethical factors Taxation responsibilities, non-disclosure of information, cash handling and security Business decision making Implications for owner/managers.  
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