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2376 results

Natural disasters and the role of tax spending

Students engage in an interactive to learn about the responsibilities of different levels of government in Australia in…

  • Geography
  • Year 7
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

Government investment in regional centre growth

Students use the case study of Dubbo to investigate how and why the government has invested in growing regional centres…

  • Geography
  • Year 8
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

Entrepreneurial capabilities

Students consider where their own strengths lie and identify actions they could take to strengthen the qualities they…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Creating a sustainable urban environment through transport services

Students work in groups to consider the negative social, economic and environmental effects that can arise from over…

  • Geography
  • Year 8
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

Earning an income

In this activity, students investigate how people earn an income, why people work and the different types of work that…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Spender or saver?

In this activity students decide if different people are spenders or savers and consider what actions these people may…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Government intervention in the economy

In this activity, students learn why and how governments intervene in the economy. They consolidate their understanding…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Tax in our lives

In this activity, students explore goods and services they and their families use that are provided by governments,…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Government decisions game

By playing a game, students develop an understanding of the trade-offs that governments make when they intervene in the…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Why and how do we protect the Great Barrier Reef?

Through locating and watching a range of videos, students explore the social, economic, and environmental value of the…

  • Geography
  • Year 8
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

Our spending and GST

Students learn that even if they are not working, they are taxpayers and pay tax on most goods and services they…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

What are my spending habits?

Students learn to use spending diaries to work out how they spend their money and whether their spending habits are…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity