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Move it – eat it

In this set of interconnected learning experiences students access and synthesise health information about physical…

  • Health & Physical Education
  • Year 10
  • AC v8.4
  • activity

The web of wellbeing

In this suite of activities, students critically analyse how health and wellbeing are influenced by conditions into…

  • Health & Physical Education
  • Senior secondary
  • activity

Getting down to specifics

In this suite of activities, students develop a deep understanding of the link between tax and spending and investigate…

  • Health & Physical Education
  • Senior secondary
  • activity

Working well

In this suite of activities, students develop their understanding of Australia’s health status over time and the link…

  • Health & Physical Education
  • Senior secondary
  • activity

Move it!

In this suite of activities, students develop their understanding of the role taxes play in funding sport and…

  • Health & Physical Education
  • Senior secondary
  • activity


In this group of activities students calculate income for wage, salary, commission and piece working scenarios.

  • Mathematics
  • Senior secondary
  • activity

The Budget – Getting the balance right for voters

Students explore the role of elected representatives in making decisions and governing on our behalf. They consider how…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Tax, services, and the division of powers

Students learn about the roles and responsibilities of the 3 levels of government, including the division of powers.…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Values, morals, and ethics in law - a case study

Students explore the nature of laws and the reasons for laws. They then consider how past actions and events influence…

  • NSW Commerce
  • Stage 5
  • activity

Income tax

In this suite of activities, students calculate annual, weekly, fortnightly, gross and net pay. They use the ATO’s…

  • Mathematics
  • Senior secondary
  • activity

The goods and service tax

This set of resources provides opportunities for students to use percentages, rates and proportions and technology (…

  • Mathematics
  • Senior secondary
  • activity

Tax types

In this suite of activities, students consider tax types which make significant contributions to government revenue and…

  • Mathematics
  • Senior secondary
  • activity