
1789 results

Tax systems and transparency

Explore the relationship between tax systems, levels of tax revenue and the role of government in different countries. Work in pairs to complete part 1 and 2 of this worksheet. Complete part 3 for homework. Background There are a number of organisations that provide statistical, economic and social data on the different countries around the world. Australia is a member of 2 of these organisations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation…
InvestigationCivics & CitizenshipYear 10

Year 9 short story writing task

Now that you’ve learned how short stories are structured, it’s your turn to write a short story of your own. During these learning experiences you have learned how kindness is an important quality that improves the condition of humantity and considered the dilemma of whether evil should be returned for good. You have also explored the meaning of wealth and the idea that to be rich is to give. Your task is to write a short story that conveys a…
Assessment taskEnglishYear 9

What happens next?

Write answers to the following frequently asked questions: How long does it take to process a tax return? What is a notice of assessment and where do I find it? How will I know if I will get a refund or owe tax? If I owe tax, when will I have to pay it? How can I pay tax I owe? What happens if I don’t pay on time? What can I do if I can’t afford to pay the tax I owe on time? How long do I have to keep my tax…
WorksheetNSW CommerceStage 5

The North Wind and the Sun

The North Wind and the Sun had a quarrel about which of them was the stronger. While they were disputing with much heat and bluster, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a cloak. "Let us agree," said the Sun, "that he is the stronger who can strip that Traveler of his cloak." "Very well," growled the North Wind, and at once sent a cold, howling blast against the Traveler. With the first gust of wind the ends of the cloak whipped…
InformationEnglishYear 9

Better Life Index

How do we compare the real impact of a tax system on the quality of life of a nation’s people? Tax spending as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) is a useful way of comparing the tax systems of different countries. However, it fails to tell us about how the money that is spent contributes to the quality of life of a nation’s people. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has developed a Better life index…
InvestigationCivics & CitizenshipYear 10

Year 10 short story writing task

Now that you’ve learned how short stories are structured, it’s your turn to write a short story of your own. During these learning experiences you have read folktales that teach us lessons about money and how it can be used (for example, saving, spending, giving). You have also explored the relationship between sharing and happiness and the power of giving. Your task is to write a short story that conveys a financial lesson or a moral message…
Assessment taskEnglishYear 10

Foreign aid for micro-entrepreneurs

Australian aid supporting women and micro-entrepreneurs to rebuild after Nepal earthquakes  7 December 2016 Kalyani finished school in year seven because her family was struggling financially, and her parents did not believe girls needed to complete their education. Instead of pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor, Kalyani trained to become a tailor starting her own business from home in 1995. Kalyani, now 45 and living in Sindhupalchowk,…
Case studyCivics & CitizenshipYear 10

The Miser and his Gold

An Aesop Fable A Miser had buried his gold in a secret place in his garden. Every day he went to the spot, dug up the treasure and counted it piece by piece to make sure it was all there. He made so many trips that a Thief, who had been observing him, guessed what it was the Miser had hidden, and one night quietly dug up the treasure and made off with it. When the Miser discovered his loss, he was overcome with grief and despair. He groaned…
InformationEnglishYear 10
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Does your teen need to lodge a tax return this year? We’ve…
Teachers! We’re here to help with everything you need to…
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 was approved by…
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In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…