
1789 results

Structure of a narrative

Use this graphic organiser to record the structure of the story you are reading. Explanation Element Evidence from the story The Title supports the moral or main elements of the story              Title              Sets the scene and introduces the participants, place and time…

Foreign aid Bill debate

Now that you’ve researched different ways the Australian Government can support other countries through foreign aid, prepare for a debate in Parliament.  Functions of the House of Representatives Make laws—Passing of new laws and changes to existing laws. Determines the government—The political party (or coalition of parties) which has the most Members in the House of Representatives becomes the governing party. Publicises and…
InformationCivics & CitizenshipYear 10

Structure of a short story

Use this graphic organiser to record the structure of the story you are reading.                                                  Explanation Element Evidence from the story              The Title supports the moral or main elements of the story…
TemplateEnglishYear 10

Strategies to increase the pace of electric car uptake

With a partner, identify the costs that occur when driving on a freeway in peak-hour. Include the costs for the driver of the car and for the other drivers using the freeway. Private costs or cost to the driver Social costs or costs to other users   With your partner, brainstorm some of…
InvestigationNSW CommerceStage 5

Starting a business

Both the Australian Government and several states and territories support small businesses by providing advice on their websites about how to start a small business. Go to starting a business guide and/or any of the following websites:    Draw a mind map or flowchart of the steps involved in starting a business. Read about each step and annotate your mind map or flowchart…
InvestigationBusinessSenior secondary

Using taxes and social welfare payments to redistribute income

Even in a wealthy country, such as Australia, some people have little or no money, few goods, and limited means of support. The government provides financial support to particular groups of people. These social welfare payments are a form of unearned income for these people. Most are paid through Centrelink (a federal government agency). Source: Created from data from DSS Demographics December 2018  Social welfare payments are funded from…
ExplainerNSW CommerceStage 5

Entrepreneurialism and the government

In this activity, you will explore the types of government grants that are available to support business start-ups and growth. Go to GrantConnect’s current grant opportunity list. Type entrepreneur (or innovation) into key words. How many federal government grants are currently available that support entrepreneurs? Which government agency or agencies are funding these grants? Choose up to 6 grants that are…
WorksheetBusinessSenior secondary

Tax systems and freedom

Part 1: Locating information and assessing its reliability Use the internet to locate a map of freedom in the world.  Find 3 indicators on the website that suggest information on the website is relevant and reliable. Part 2: Comparing levels of ‘freedom’ and tax systems  Use the website on ‘freedom’ to identify the freedom score of countries listed in table 1. Recreate table 1 and record the freedom scores of each country.…
InvestigationCivics & CitizenshipYear 10
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