Annuities Spreadsheet
Download Annuities Spreadsheet
Linked activity:
InteractiveMathematicsSenior secondaryMoneysmart budget planner
Moneysmart Budget planner
Linked activities:
The Budget - Getting the balance right for voters (AC v9.0)
The Budget - Getting the balance right for voters (AC v8.4)
InteractiveGeneral resourcesSaving, investing and super
Linked activity:
Saving, investing and super
VisualiserNSW CommerceStage 5Tax in our lives today - Part 2
Click on the image below to locate all the goods and services that:
have government involvement.
incurred a tax or government fee.
Find all 10 goods and services for the "continue" button to appear under the image.
When a good or service is correctly identified, a short description will appear underneath the image to identify if the good or service has government involvement or incurred a tax or government fee.
InteractiveGeneral resourcesTax in our lives today - Part 3
Click on the image below to locate all the goods and services that:
have government involvement.
incurred a tax or government fee.
Find all 5 goods and services for the "continue" button to appear under the image.
When a good or service is correctly identified, a short description will appear underneath the image to identify if the good or service has government involvement or incurred a tax or government fee.
InteractiveGeneral resourcesTax in our lives today - Part 4
Click on the image below to locate all the goods and services that:
have government involvement.
incurred a tax or government fee.
Find all 3 goods and services for the "completed" button to appear under the image.
When a good or service is correctly identified, a short description will appear underneath the image to identify if the good or service has government involvement or incurred a tax or government fee.
InteractiveGeneral resourcesPay slip alternative
Employer details
F. Fashion
ABN 11 222 333 444
Date: 9/8/21
Pay period: 1/8/21 – 8/8/21
Employee details
Employee’s name: M. Citizen
Classification: Shop Assistant
Payment details
Ordinary time: 25 hours @$19.93 = $498.25
Overtime: Nil
Allowances: Nil
Gross wage: $498.25
Tax withheld: $33.00
Net wage: $465.25
X super fund
Member no: 1234567
Contribution: $49.80
Payment summary…
ExplainerGeneral resourcesReading for Meaning Visually Impaired Alternative
The ATO publishes a lot of information, reports and research throughout the year. These publications, although useful, are often complex and can be difficult to read and understand. Use these reading for meaning strategies to help you read ATO and other complex publications.
Give yourself a heads up about the text by:
reading the title and any headings and sub-headings
looking at pictures, diagrams and calculations
skimming the…
How toGeneral resources