The Australian Taxation System
Watch: The Australian Taxation SystemWhat are the 3 levels of Australia’s taxation system?How many different taxes are there?How many common taxes are there?How many of these will most people pay?How is tax revenue collected?Focus questionsAustralian GovernmentState & territory governmentsLocal governments% of total tax revenueNumber of taxesMajor source of tax revenue or examples of taxesHow is tax revenue spent?Main services and share of…
Video guideEconomics & BusinessYear 8School leavers video
Five key things you need to know when leaving school
This interactive video explains five key things young people need to know when leaving school – including tax and super, health, career support, and more.
VideoGeneral resourcesClone of Business structures
Part 1: Identifying allowable deductions
Read the list of items below. Indicate whether you think each item of expenditure is deductible or not. Refer to My responsibilities in relation to tax - Explainer.
Item of expenditure
Is it deductible? Yes or No
The bus fares to and from work.
A $100 donation to the Red Cross.
The amount paid to your tax agent…
InteractiveGeneral resourcesTriple J Unearthed Jukebox
Tripe J Unearthed Jukebox
Linked activities:
How tax contributes to community and civic life (AC v9.0)
How tax contributes to community and civic life (AC v8.4)
InformationCivics & CitizenshipYear 9The formation of government and the role of political parties and independents
Linked activity:
Making laws with a case study of tax
VisualiserCivics & CitizenshipYear 8The power of the media
Part A: My media and media ownership
Develop a chart showing the types of media you use to obtain information and how often you use them (see table 1 as an example).
Use the internet to identify and list the owners of the media you use.
Table 1: My Media
Type of media
Name (program, newspaper, website)
Frequency (every day, twice a week, etc)
Owner (corporation or individuals)…
InvestigationNSW CommerceStage 5Australia's Media Concentration
Australia's Media Concentration
Linked activities:
Influences on government policy and the media (Civics & Citizenship)
Influences on government policy and the media (NSW Commerce)
VideoGeneral resourcesMaking a law
Watch: This video explains the law-making process of the Australian Parliament and it includes all the law-making steps in the Senate and House of Representatives.
Making a law
A Bill is introduced by a minister.
What can members do at this stage?
The Bill is agreed to in one house. What happens to it next?
Changes and amendments. These are also debated.
Why would a Bill have amendments made?
Parliamentary committee.…
Video guideGeneral resources