
1789 results

Pay slip alternative

Employer details F. Fashion ABN 11 222 333 444 Date: 9/8/21 Pay period: 1/8/21 – 8/8/21   Employee details Employee’s name: M. Citizen Classification: Shop Assistant   Payment details Ordinary time: 25 hours @$19.93 = $498.25 Overtime: Nil Allowances: Nil Gross wage: $498.25 Tax withheld: $33.00 Net wage: $465.25   Superannuation X super fund Member no: 1234567 Contribution: $49.80   Payment summary…
ExplainerGeneral resources

Reading for Meaning Visually Impaired Alternative

The ATO publishes a lot of information, reports and research throughout the year. These publications, although useful, are often complex and can be difficult to read and understand. Use these reading for meaning strategies to help you read ATO and other complex publications. Previewing Give yourself a heads up about the text by: reading the title and any headings and sub-headings looking at pictures, diagrams and calculations skimming the…
How toGeneral resources

Saving, investing and super

Refer to Saving, investing and super – Explainer. In your groups, complete the following tables. Attributes Saving Investing Superannuation Definition How does it work? Purpose   Investment attributes…
WorksheetNSW CommerceStage 5

Ethical super funds

More than a buzzword: the ins and outs of ‘ethical super’ Posted by Adam Verwey August 2, 2018 (adapted) When you choose a super fund, you have the option of choosing either an ethical super fund or a sustainable or ethical investment options within a super fund.  According to the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA) 2017 Benchmark Report, the percentage of funds in core ethical investment products increased by 80% over…
ArticleEconomics & BusinessYear 10

Calculating percentages or ratios

Introduction to ratios Ratios are used to compare a value to an ‘original’ or ‘reference’ value. For example, comparing your score in a test to the maximum possible score achievable; or comparing how many apples you have, to how many apples you need for a recipe. Ratios are calculated by taking the value and comparing it to the reference value. "Ratio" = "Value : Reference Value" These ratios can be represented in many ways: Ratio eg,…
How toGeneral resources

Grouping strategies

There are several different ways to organise students into groups. Below are just a few of them. Regardless of the method you use, effective learning in groups must have at least the following elements: The work must involve every member of the group. Each person has a valid job to perform and is aware of their individual and group goals. Each member is invested in completing the task or learning goal. Each member is accountable both…
Teacher toolGeneral resources

Tax spending workbook

Tax spending workbook 
WorkbookEconomics & BusinessYear 10

Tax and You

Tax and You
InteractiveGeneral resources
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Does your teen need to lodge a tax return this year? We’ve…
Teachers! We’re here to help with everything you need to…
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 was approved by…
    Tax, Super + You wins the 2021-22 Institute of…
In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…