
1789 results

ATO scams – a case study

Threat-based impersonation scams are on the rise. Many organisations, such as the ATO are especially vulnerable to impersonation scams. This activity uses ATO scams as a case study to demonstrate the risk that impersonation scams pose to students’ identity and financial security and what they might do to prevent becoming victims of impersonation scams.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4

Managing your tax and super online

This activity introduces students to myGov, a simple and secure platform to access government services online, including the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Setting up a myGov account and linking to the ATO enables students to meet their tax obligations and manage their superannuation, now and in the future. If appropriate, and with parent permission, students are invited to set up a myGov account at home. 
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4

Superannuation - Risks and rewards

There are both risks and rewards associated with all investments, including superannuation. In this activity students interpret data to draw conclusions about the short- and long-term impact of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) on different superannuation investments and the relationship between risk and reward and risk and age. 
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4

Saving, investing and super

In this activity, students explore what they can do with their money and the risks and rewards associated with each option, that is saving, investing and superannuation. They consider the trade-offs associated with each option and decide what they would do if they had a windfall.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4

Responsibilities of workplace participants

In this activity, students learn about the responsibilities of employers and employees in relation to taxation and superannuation.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4

Tax, super and pay slips

In this activity, students learn how to check that their employers are meeting their responsibilities in relation to paying the correct amount of tax and super on their behalf. In doing so, they learn that employees also have responsibilities to check their pay slips regularly.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4

My responsibilities in relation to tax

In this activity, students also explore the concept of honesty, how honest they are and the consequences of being dishonest, both generally and in relation to taxation. They learn that employees have a responsibility to complete a tax return by the end of October 31 each financial year and explore the concept of allowable deductions and how these can be used to reduce taxable income.  
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4

Completing a tax return

In this activity, students learn the steps they need to take to complete a tax return and the different options that exist. They also engage in completing a tax return using a simulated online ATO tool myTax.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v8.4
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