SSEC13.1.1 SA mapping
Stage 1
Thinking like an economist
Data analysis
Understand a range of qualitative and qualitative economic data
Collect and analyse data in order to explain economic activity.
Economic contexts
Government involvement in the economy
Government involvement in the economy, including allocation of resources to the production of goods and services that are undersupplied by the market.
SSEC13.1.1 Tasmania mapping
Unit 2: Economic Management
Management Policies
Economic knowledge
Fiscal/Budgetary policy:
major components of government revenue and government expenditure in the budget
SSEC13.1.1 Victoria mapping
Unit 3: Australia's Economic Prosperity
Area of Study 1: An introduction to microeconomics: the market system, resource allocation and government intervention
Outcome 1
On completion of this unit the student should be able to explain how markets operate to allocate resources, and discuss the effect of government intervention on market outcomes.
Key knowledge
the role and effect of indirect taxation, subsidies, government…
SSEC13.1.1 WA mapping
Unit 4 – Macroeconomics
Economic knowledge and understanding
The public sector
the size of the government sector in the Australian economy currently, over time, and relative to other economies
the size and composition of government revenue and spending in Australia at the commonwealth, state and local government levels.
types and classification of:
direct and indirect taxes
taxes on…
SSEC14.1.1 ACT mapping
Unit 3: Economics
Macroeconomic Issues
Macroeconomic Theories
A Course
Concepts and principles
examine principles, structure and operation of economic models (ECOA03).
Nature and purpose of economics
explain the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions, markets and governments (ECOA06).
Issues, perspectives and viewpoints
identify and describe trends and patterns, infers relationships, and makes…
SSEC14.1.1 NSW mapping
Topic 3: Economic Issues
Students learn about:
Economic issues in the Australian economy
Economic growth
aggregate demand and its components: Y = C+I+G+X–M
injections and withdrawals (I+G+X; S+T+M).
Topic 4: Economic Policies and Management
Students learn about:
Economic objectives in relation to:
Potential conflicts among objectives.
Macroeconomic policies
rationale for macroeconomic policies –…
SSEC14.1.1 QLD mapping
Unit 4: Contemporary macroeconomics
Topic 1: Macroeconomic objectives and theory
recall the circular flow model, the components of aggregate demand (represented by Consumption + Investment + Government + Net exports (Exports – Imports) or C + I + G + (X – M)) and the key factors affecting these components
apply the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model to determine the overall price level and equilibrium level of real…
SSEC14.1.1 SA mapping
Stage 2
Thinking Like an Economist
Economic inquiry skills
Investigate scenarios and economic problems through:
applying principles, models, and terminology appropriately in a variety of economic contexts
communicating reasoned arguments and evidence-based recommendations.
Data analysis
Understand a range of qualitative and quantitative economic data.
Use data to understand economic activity, the…