
1789 results

SSEC15.1.1 Victoria mapping

ECONOMICS Unit 2: Contemporary Economic Issues Area of Study 2: Economic efficiency and equity Outcome 2 On completion of this unit the student should be able to explain the factors and policies that may influence equity in the distribution of income and efficiency of resource allocation, and analyse the potential trade-off. Key knowledge economic costs and benefits, and social costs and benefits of achieving equity in the…

SSEC15.1.1 WA mapping

ECONOMICS GENERAL COURSE Unit 1: Personal economic and financial decisions Economic knowledge and understanding the concept of income redistribution. taxes on: income, including Pay As You Go (PAYG) personal income tax and fringe benefits tax. Unit 3 – Microeconomics  Economic knowledge and understanding policy options to promote equity. Reasoning, interpretation and analysis use evidence found in economic…

SSEC16.1.1 ACT mapping

ECONOMICS Unit 1: Economics Unit 2: Economics A Course Types and forms explain the consequences of contemporary economic issues on individuals, firms and governments (ECOA08). T Course Types and forms analyse the influence of political, ethical, environmental and social factors on economic decision making (ECOT07)

SSEC16.1.1 NSW mapping

ECONOMICS Topic 1: Introduction to Economics Students learn about:  Nature of economics governments – influencing the decisions of individuals and business. Topic 6: Government and the Economy Students learn to: Examine economic issues  examine how the operation of the free market without government intervention might affect the distribution of income, quality of life of individuals and the management of the environment…

SSEC16.1.1 SA mapping

ECONOMICS STAGE 1 Economic concepts Choices Consumers, firms, and governments have to make choices.  Factors affecting choices Intended and unintended consequences of decisions. Government involvement in the economy Use the circular-flow model to explore the effects of government involvement in the economy.

SSEC16.1.1 Tasmania mapping

ECONOMICS LEVEL 3 Unit 1: An Introduction to Economics The economic problem and economic systems Economic decision-making Decisions made by individuals, business and government should reflect a rational evaluation of costs and benefits.

SSEC16.1.1 Victoria mapping

ECONOMICS Unit 1: The Behaviour of Consumers and Businesses Area of Study 1: Thinking like an economist Outcome 1 On completion of this unit the student should be able to describe the basic economic problem, discuss the role of consumers and businesses in the economy and analyse the factors that influence decision making. Key knowledge Consumers economic factors that may influence economic decisions made by consumers such as:external…

SSEC16.1.1 WA mapping

ECONOMICS GENERAL COURSE Unit 1: Personal economic and financial decisions Economic knowledge and understanding Influence of government on personal economic and financial decisions. Unit 4 – Macroeconomics Economic knowledge and understanding Macroeconomic activity the concept of the circular flow of income the concepts of equilibrium, leakages and injections in the circular flow of income Reasoning, interpretation and analysis…
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