SSEC20.1.1 Tasmania mapping
Unit 2: Economic Management
Management Policies
Economic knowledge
Microeconomic policy – a tool for improving economic efficiency intergenerational equity and inequality.
Economic reasoning
Impact of different fiscal policy stances on the level of economic activity
Demonstration and explanation of the impact of microeconomic reform on aggregate supply and macroeconomic equilibrium.
Economic decision-…
SSEC20.1.1 Victoria mapping
Unit 4: Managing the Economy
Area of Study 2: Aggregate supply policies
Outcome 2
On completion of this unit the student should be able to discuss the nature and operation of aggregate supply policies and analyse how the policies may influence the Australian Government’s domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards.
Key knowledge
the nature, operation and aims of aggregate supply policies and their relationship to…
SSEC20.1.1 WA mapping
Unit 4 – Economic policies and management
Economic knowledge and understanding
Economic policy objectives
the extent to which the economic objectives of the Australian Government may conflict and complement each other.
Measures to improve productivity
recent (the last ten years) government policies that promote productivity and economic growth, such as taxation reform
the impact of productivity on the…
SSEC21.1.1 ACT mapping
Trade Economics
A Course
Nature and purpose of economics
discuss the relationship between economic events and outcomes (ECOA05).
T Course
Nature and purpose of economics.
analyse the relationship between economic events and outcomes (ECOT05).
SSEC21.1.1 NSW mapping
Topic 1; The Global Economy
Students learn to:
examine the effects of globalisation on economic growth and the quality of life, levels of unemployment, rates of inflation and external stability.
SSEC21.1.1 QLD mapping
Unit 3: International economics
Topic 1: The global economy
recall the concept of an open economy and explain how it operates in terms of the circular flow of income model (circular flow model)
explain the advantages and disadvantages of international trade, and how trade can impact economic policy, including the pursuit of sustainable economic growth, and external and internal stability.
SSEC21.1.1 SA mapping
Stage 1
Thinking Like an Economist
Economic inquiry skills
Use an inquiring, critical, and thoughtful approach to their study of economics
Investigate scenarios and economic problems through:
analysing the rationale for economic decisions and evaluating their intended and unintended consequences
communicating reasoned arguments and evidence-based recommendations.
Analyse and…
SSEC21.1.1 Tasmania mapping
Unit 3: Australia and the Global Economy
Free trade and protection
Economic knowledge
Forms of protection (tariffs, subsidies and quotas).
Economic reasoning
Demonstration and explanation of how tariffs, subsidies and quotas operate and their consequences.