SSEC21.1.1 wa mapping
Unit 2: Economics
Unit 3: Economics
Macroeconimic Theories
A Course
Nature and purpose of economics
discuss the relationship between economic events and outcomes (ECOA05).
Types and forms
explain the consequences of contemporary economic issues on individuals, firms and governments (ECOA08).
Issues, perspectives and viewpoints
identify and describe trends and patterns, infers relationships, and makes…
SSEC23.1.1 NSW mapping
Topic 6: Government and the Economy
Students learn to:
Examine economic issues
investigate alternative sources of revenue for governments.
Apply economic skills
interpret Federal Budget data.
Students learn about:
The role of government
Functions of the three levels of government
Size of the public sector.
SSEC23.1.1 QLD mapping
Unit 4: Contemporary macroeconomics
Topic 2: Economic management
Sub-topic A: Demand management policies — fiscal policy
summarise the sources of government income (direct and indirect taxation, revenue from government enterprises and sale of government assets) and the components of government expenditure (current, capital and transfer payments) in the budget.
SSEC23.1.1 Tasmania mapping
Unit 2: Economic Management
Management Policies
Economic knowledge
Fiscal/Budgetary policy:
major components of government revenue and government expenditure in the budget.
SSEC23.1.1 Victoria mapping
Unit 4: Managing the Economy
Area of Study 1: Aggregate demand policies and domestic economic stability
Key knowledge
Budgetary policy
Outcome 1
On completion of this unit the student should be able to discuss the nature and operation of aggregate demand policies and analyse how the policies may influence the Australian Government’s domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards.
sources of government revenue…
SSEC23.1.1 WA mapping
Unit 1: Personal economic and financial decisions
Economic knowledge and understanding
taxes on:
income, including Pay As You Go (PAYG) personal income tax and fringe benefits tax
consumption, including the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and excise tax.
Economic research
identify research questions to investigate.
Reasoning, interpretation and analysis
identify and organise relevant information…
SSEC24.1.1 ACT mapping
Unit 2: Economics
Unit 3: Economics
Market Failure
A Course
Nature and purpose of economics
discuss the relationship between economic events and outcomes (ECOA05)
explain the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions, markets and governments (ECOA06).
Types and forms
explain the consequences of contemporary economic issues on individuals, firms and governments (ECOA08).
Issues, perspectives and viewpoints…
SSEC24.1.1 NSW mapping
Topic 3: Markets
Students learn to:
Examine economic issues
identify reasons why government may intervene in certain markets.
Students learn about:
Alternatives to market solutions
the role of government (market failure – merit goods, public goods, externalities).
Topic 6: Government and the Economy
Students learn to:
Examine economic issues
assess the need for government intervention in a…