
1789 results

SSHP3.1.1 NSW mapping

PDHPE OUTCOMES BY TOPIC/ COURSE OF STUDY 8.1 Preliminary Core 1: Better Health for Individuals P1 identifies and examines why individuals give different meanings to health. P2 explains how a range of health behaviours affect an individual’s health. P3 describes how an individual’s health is determined by a range of factors. P4 evaluates aspects of health over which individuals can exert some control. P5 describes factors that contribute…

SSHP3.1.1 QLD mapping

HEALTH Unit 1: Resilience as a personal health resource investigate and synthesise information to develop an action strategy to influence resilience in a personal health context. evaluate and reflect on implemented action strategies related to resilience in a personal health context to justify recommendations that mediate, advocate and enable health promotion. make decisions about and use mode-appropriate features, language and conventions…

SSHP3.1.1 SA mapping

HEALTH AND WELLBEING STAGE 1 Health literacy Develop an understanding of health literacy by: recognising and using appropriate health and wellbeing language developing and reflecting on their own values, beliefs, and attitudes, and on those of others expressing how they feel about the issue being considered  analysing research findings exploring health and wellbeing theories, concepts, or methodologies. Health promotion Develop…

SSHP3.1.1 Tasmania mapping

HEALTH STUDIES Unit 1: Introduction to Health Personal Dimensions of Health Health promotion Health issues Unit 2: Personal Health Personal and social responsibility Advocacy Learner investigation Unit 3: Australian Health Factors influencing Australian’s health Community resources and services Australia’s health care system Public health promotion in Australia Learner investigation Unit 4: Global Health State of…

SSHP3.1.1 Victoria mapping

HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Unit 1: Understanding health and wellbeing Area of study 1: Health perspectives and influences Key skills collect and analyse data relating to variations in youth attitudes and priorities regarding health and wellbeing explain a range of sociocultural factors that contribute to variations in the health status and health behaviours of Australia’s youth. Area of Study 2: Health…

SSHP3.1.1 WA mapping

Health Studies Unit 1: Health of individuals and communities determinants of health framework for health promotion, action areas of the Ottawa Charter factors influencing the use of health products and services coping skills and strategies skills required for working effectively with individuals and groups planning a health inquiry use of a range of information to explore a health issue interpretation of information presentation of…

SSHP4.1.1 ACT mapping

HEALTH, OUTDOOR AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION T Course Year 11 Knowledge explains health, outdoor, physical education theories, concepts and models and describes their limitations and assumptions explains health, outdoor, physical education principles, strategies, methodology, approaches to data, procedures and describes their validity and reliability explains representations and interpretations of health, outdoor, physical education topics…

SSHP4.1.1 NSW mapping

PDHPE OUTCOMES BY TOPIC/ COURSE OF STUDY 8.1 Preliminary Core 1: Better Health for Individuals P1 identifies and examines why individuals give different meanings to health. P2 explains how a range of health behaviours affect an individual’s health. P3 describes how an individual’s health is determined by a range of factors. P4 evaluates aspects of health over which individuals can exert some control. P5 describes factors that contribute…
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