
1789 results

SSHP4.1.1 QLD mapping

HEALTH Unit 1: Resilience as a personal health resource investigate and synthesise information to develop an action strategy to influence resilience in a personal health context. make decisions about and use mode-appropriate features, language and conventions for particular purposes and contexts. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Unit 1: Motor learning, functional anatomy, biomechanics and physical activity recognise and explain motor learning,…

SSHP4.1.1 SA mapping

HEALTH AND WELLBEING STAGE 1 Health literacy Develop an understanding of health literacy by: sourcing appropriate primary sources of data or information analysing research findings. Health determinants Develop an understanding of health determinants by: challenging stereotypes that impact on health outcomes. Health promotion Develop an understanding of health promotion by: examining sustainable health and wellbeing promotion…

SSHP4.1.1 Tasmania mapping

HEALTH STUDIES Unit 1: Introduction to Health  Health promotion Health issues Unit 2: Personal Health Risk-taking behaviours Personal and social responsibility Learner investigation Unit 3: Australian Health Factors influencing Australian’s health Community resources and services Public health promotion in Australia Learner investigation

SSHP4.1.1 Victoria mapping

HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Unit 1: Understanding Health and Wellbeing Area of study 1: Health perspectives and influences Key skills explain a range of sociocultural factors that contribute to variations in the health status and health behaviours of Australia’s youth. Area of Study 3: Youth health and wellbeing Key knowledge government and non-government programs relating to youth health and wellbeing key features of one health…

SSHP4.1.1 WA mapping

HEALTH STUDIES Unit 1: Health of Individuals and Communities framework for health promotion, action areas of the Ottawa Charter factors influencing the use of health products and services skills required for working effectively with individuals and groups planning a health inquiry use of a range of information to explore a health issue interpretation of information presentation of findings in appropriate format to suit audience…

How do I submit or save a worksheet I have completed?

If you are using the LMS (My learning) When you have completed a task: Click ‘Save and continue’. Click on ‘Yes’ I have completed the task. Your task will appear in PDF form. To submit the work without printing it: Click on submit and your teacher will automatically receive your completed task. If you want to save the task: Click on the Print icon at on the top ribbon and save the task as a PDF.  If you are not using the…

How do I register for a Tax, Super + You parent account?

Let’s get you started Anyone can access Tax, Super + You without a login. However, to access our free curriculum aligned resources, or to create a class, you need to register. Signing up is easy and will only take a couple of minutes. Follow these easy steps to help you get started so you can get instant access to over 1,000 free resources. Click on Register in the top right-hand corner to head to the registration form, or  Register Note:…
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