
1789 results

Business record-keeping

InteractiveGeneral resources

Meeting tax and super obligations

InteractiveGeneral resources

What qualities do I need to achieve my career aspirations?

Find out what qualities you need to develop to achieve your dreams.  Career options in the business world are far reaching and there are many positions to which you can aspire. As you explore choices, understanding the various traits typically found in an entrepreneur v. an intrapreneur v. a manager will help you decide which role may be right for you to pursue, or what qualities you will need to develop to realise your career aspirations…
WorksheetWork StudiesYear 10

Investigating super

Refer to Investigating super – Data sheet. Part 1 – How data affects mean and median Use the data from table 1: The annual salaries of 25 people in one street in a new suburb of Canberra. Open a new spreadsheet and put the salary data in a table with the following headings.   Annual salary Employer’s super contributions Total cost to employer (salary + super…
InvestigationMathematicsYear 7

What qualities do I need to achieve my career aspirations?

Find out what qualities you need to develop to achieve your dreams.  Career options in the business world are far reaching and there are many positions to which you can aspire. As you explore choices, understanding the various traits typically found in an entrepreneur v. an intrapreneur v. a manager will help you decide which role may be right for you to pursue, or what qualities you will need to develop to realise your career aspirations…
WorksheetBusinessSenior secondary

Writing essays

Introduction State the problem or question you are addressing. State your position or thesis statement – Your answer to the problem or question. Provide a summary of the main points or overview of your argument.     Body Paragraph 1 (point 1) Point Explanation Evidence Link to the next paragraph or topic     Paragraph 2 (point 2)  Point Explanation Evidence Link to the next paragraph or…
TemplateGeneral resources

Cornell note taking system

Topic:  Key ideas and words Notes Summary:  
TemplateGeneral resources

Spending diary with GST

Day of the week Goods and services with GST included in price GST-free goods purchased   Item Price GST component (11% of total price) Item Price…
TemplateGeneral resources
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Does your teen need to lodge a tax return this year? We’ve…
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    Tax, Super + You wins the 2021-22 Institute of…
In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…