
1789 results

Choosing what and where to study

You are going to use a number of online resources to choose and compare the quality of educational institutions that best meet the needs of different individuals. Record your responses on the Choosing what and where to study – Worksheet. Step 1 Go to Course Seeker and type an appropriate course into the search bar. Use the filters on the left-hand margin to narrow your search. Identify up to 4 tertiary institutions that meet the needs of…
InstructionsWork StudiesYear 10

The magic of compound interest and super

‘Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't ... pays it.’ – Albert EinsteinCompound interest is calculated on the principal amount that you borrowed or invested and on the accumulated interest of previous periods – It is regarded as ‘interest on interest’.Compound interest is a way to grow your savings (or debt) faster. Figure 1 shows the difference compound interest can make on a $10,…
ExplainerMathematicsYear 10

Choosing what and where to study

Refer to Choosing what and where to study – Instructions. Jane - Jane is in Year 12 and would like to become an accountant. She lives in Sydney (postcode 2016) and does not want to travel further than 50 km to study. Her ATAR is predicted to be between 60-70 Institution details Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 1. Institution Name 2. Level of qualification for example,…
InvestigationWork StudiesYear 10

Super calculations from simple to compound

  Part 1: Calculating simple and compound interest Set up a spreadsheet to complete the missing information in table 1. Information for setting up spreadsheet using the simple and compound interest formulae Principal ($) Interest rate/rate of return (%) Time (years) Simple interest Balance with simple interest Compound interest…
WorksheetMathematicsYear 10

HELP scheme

Refer to the glossary in the ‘Beyond School Study Guide’ on the Study Assist website. The HELP scheme Refer to the glossary to find a definition for each of the following: Commonwealth supported place HECS-HELP FEE-HELP OS-HELP SA-HELP VET Student Loan Create an infographic or visual representation to show the relationship between the different HELP loans. Use the eligibility tool on the Study Assist website to find out what…
WorksheetWork StudiesYear 10

Watch your super grow

For these tasks you will set up a spreadsheet to investigate the difference making small payments more often makes to your super balance. Select one of the tasks. Task 1 You have been working for 10 years and your super balance has been growing, but you’ve decided to take a year off and travel overseas. You won’t be making any super contributions during that time. However, your super will still be growing because of the investments made by…
InvestigationMathematicsYear 10

Structure of a short story with extended metaphor

Use this graphic organiser to record the structure of the story you are reading. Explanation Element Evidence from the story The Introduction captures the characters, setting very briefly.              Introduction The Rising Action is usually where something is starting to go wrong and the audience is becoming aware that there…
TemplateEnglishSenior secondary

The meeting of Robin Hood and Little John

Howard Pyle, 1883 When Robin first came to live in Sherwood Forest he was rather sad, for he could not at once forget all he had lost. But he was not long lonely. When it became known that he had gone to live in the Green Wood, other poor men, who had been driven out of their homes by the Normans, joined him. They soon formed a band and were known as the “Merry Men.” Robin was no longer Robin of Huntingdon, but Robin of Sherwood Forest. Very…
InformationEnglishSenior secondary
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