
1789 results

Years 9 and 10 HPE assessment task

Design, justify and promote a health-related program or facility for a specific group and setting. Select A population group – for example, preschoolers, primary students, high school students, young adults, adults, families. A setting – home, school, community, business. For example, young adults in the workplace or high school aged young people in the community or primary school students at school. Research Investigate…
Assessment taskHealth & Physical EducationYear 10

Using the Medicare levy calculator

The Medicare levy calculator helps you estimate your Medicare levy. It includes any reductions or exemptions you are allowed. For most taxpayers, the Medicare levy is 2% of their taxable income. The Medicare levy surcharge applies to taxpayers on a higher income who don't have private health cover. Information required to use this calculator Your taxable income. Your spouse’s taxable income (if applicable). If you are eligible for an…
How toGeneral resources

Exploring equity

Governments work together to improve the health outcomes of all Australians.Part 1: States and territories working togetherThe Australian Government and state and territory governments work together to improve the health outcomes for all Australians. They do so through the mechanism of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).What is the role of the COAG Health Council?What governments are members of the Health Council?Part 2: Addressing…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationSenior secondary

Global health

How does the health status of Australian citizens compare with other countries and what difference does tax spending on health make to these outcomes? Select countries to compare Choose three developed countries and three developing countries to research. Include Australia as one of the developed countries. Locate data Access current world population data and find data for at least six key indicators to compare the tax systems and health…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationSenior secondary

Health initiatives

Delve into one health initiative and investigate how it has been received by members of the Australian public. Part 1: Investigating one initiative Refer to Australian Department of Health: Initiatives and programs Select one initiative. Narrow your search by using the search menu on the left-hand side of the web page. Identify the following for the initiative you selected: What is it? Why is it important? What are the goals? What is…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationSenior secondary

Specific programs

Select one of the following tax-funded programs, services or initiatives to investigate. Use the questions to guide your explanation and critical analysis of your chosen program, service or initiative. Domestic violence prevention and support List the ways the Australian Government supports victims of domestic violence, for example through funding housing refuges for women and children. How is tax being spent to reduce domestic violence?…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationSenior secondary

Health-related research

Explore 3 different existing health-related research projects or reports. Find the following information: What was the focus of the research? What was the sample group and size? What type of data was collected? How? What sources of data were used? Consider a range of research methods – questionnaires, interviews, case studies, observations, literature reviews. Describe each one and discuss the advantages and limitations of each.…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationSenior secondary

Wellness programs

Go to and locate data on Australia’s current health such as incidence of cancer, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sedentary lifestyle, osteoporosis, depression, stroke. In small groups, prepare to debate the following: Taxpayers should pay for treatment of lifestyle diseases such as obesity-related diabetes, smoking-related lung cancer and heart disease. Find one piece of research that supports the statement: ‘…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationSenior secondary
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