
1789 results

Calculating percentage change

Percentage change definition/calculation The ratio calculation in Calculating percentages – How-to-sheet compares a value to a reference value: $\mathrm{Ratio\ }=\ \mathrm{Value\ ∶\ \ Reference\ Value}$ Sometimes we want to see how much a value has changed compared to the initial value: $Change\ in\ \mathrm{Value\ =\ }Value – Initial Value$ and our ratio becomes $\mathrm{Ratio\ }=\ \mathrm{Change\ in\ Value\ ∶\ \ Initial\ Value}$ Just…
How toGeneral resources

Using the ATO income tax estimator

The income tax estimator will estimate your tax payable and several other items, like Medicare related tax, education related loans and any tax offsets that apply. Information required to use this calculator Gross income payments you received. Amount of tax that was withheld. Amount of deductions to claim. Your residency status for tax purposes. Your tax credits and tax offsets you are entitled to claim. How to use the calculator Page 1…
How toGeneral resources

Making an Excel spreadsheet

You can set up a spreadsheet to perform repeated calculations. This is useful for financial calculations you do and will help you make financial decisions, for example those involved with banking, budgeting, tax, and superannuation. Open new spreadsheet and save it. Set up your table by typing in headings. Each cell (box) has an address, for example B4, which tells you which column it’s in and which row. Set up the headings for your table…
How toGeneral resources

Sport 2030

 Excerpts from Sport 2030 forward by John Wylie AM, Chair of Sport Australia Copy the comments you agree with or disagree with and explain why. Sport matters a great deal to our country. It’s part of our DNA. We’re a proud sporting country, we love to see Australians mix it with the best on the world stage, and our long and illustrious record of success is admired around the world. Our love…
WorksheetHealth & Physical EducationYear 10

Build it and they will come

Intentions of Sport 2030 Barriers will be reduced, allowing greater access to sporting facilities and infrastructure for all Australians. Coordinated investment in sport and recreation facilities, with a focus on universal design, will ensure sport is accessible to all Australians. There will be more encouragement to create opportunity to share facilities across community organisations and schools. People of all ages should have the…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationYear 10

Bad, better, best

Part 1: Health Examine at least 3 local fast-food options and decide which is bad, better, best in terms of healthy eating. Justify your decisions with evidence from credible sources. Use a ‘5 whys’ activity to test your version of what you think is the healthiest or ‘best’. State your answer and ask yourself ‘why this food option is the best’. Write a first response. Ask yourself ‘why your first answer is true’. Write your second response…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationYear 10

Move it

Work in groups of 4 to complete this task. Analyse how physical activity is currently embedded within your school for students. Develop low cost, creative recommendations for how more students (and staff) could be active, in more active ways, more often across your school. Include a description of physical activities students (and staff) will engage in as part of your recommendations. Justify your recommendations. Trial the activities…
InvestigationHealth & Physical EducationYear 10

Calculating GST at 10 percent

The goods and services tax (GST) is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods and services sold or consumed in Australia. GST is added to the original price of the goods or service so the final price on the price tag, the bill or the invoice includes GST. This diagram shows you how to calculate the Final Price, including GST, from the Original Price and vice versa: or using just one calculation to work out the Final Price from the Original…
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In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…