
1789 results

What if?

Now that you have explored where most of Australia’s tax revenue goes, consider the following ‘what if’ scenario: Due to a rise in tax evasion, the Australian Government has to significantly cut spending on social security and welfare, education and health.  The Australian Government significantly cuts spending to pay down debt. Draw a consequence wheel on a large piece of paper. Identify one area of current government services that will be…
InstructionsEconomics & BusinessYear 8

The importance of Australia's taxation system

Taxes are a big part of our lives and the government uses them to pay for all kinds of important things, like hospitals and schools and support for people in need. Part 1: Write an explanation Write you own statement (1 or 2 paragraphs) explaining the following: How Australia’s taxation system supports individual human and financial wellbeing, communities and Australian society.   Part 2: Create a message on the value of tax…
Assessment taskEconomics & BusinessYear 8

Community resources game

Rules Each member of your group has a starting ‘bank balance’ of $10.00. The communal pot is a community resource. We will play 5 rounds. In each round you will decide how much to contribute to the communal pot – you can contribute all your money, some of your money or play your zero card. At the end of each round, the money in the pot will be doubled and then given back to everyone in the group in equal shares – to those who contributed…
InstructionsEconomics & BusinessYear 8

Reading & Constructing an Income Tax Graph

Reading & Constructing an Income Tax Graph   Linked activity: Impact of changes to the income tax system  
InformationMathematicsYear 8

Australian Government spending

  Linked activity: The importance of the Australian Taxation system
VisualiserEconomics & BusinessYear 8

Tax in our lives today - Part 1

Click on the image below to locate all the goods and services that: have government involvement. incurred a tax or government fee. Find all 5 goods and services for the "continue" button to appear under the image. When a good or service is correctly identified, a short description will appear underneath the image to identify if the good or service has government involvement or incurred a tax or government fee.  
InteractiveGeneral resources

Should sugar be taxed?

Part 1: Does taxing fat work? The Australian of the Year 2020 Dr James Mueckefight against sugar In this acceptance speech, Dr James Muecke, made it clear he was going to continue to fight for a tax on sugar. Dr Muecke has seen how people suffer from having consumed too much sugar in their lives, for example, loss of eyesight and other diabetes related illnesses. Dr Muecke is campaigning for a tax to be put on sugar, making it more expensive…
InvestigationEconomics & BusinessYear 8

Government influences on decisions

  Linked activities: Who provides the goods and services I need and want Taxing fat
VisualiserEconomics & BusinessYear 8
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Does your teen need to lodge a tax return this year? We’ve…
Teachers! We’re here to help with everything you need to…
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 was approved by…
    Tax, Super + You wins the 2021-22 Institute of…
In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…