
1789 results

Are you in business?

VideoGeneral resources

Developing a budget

Set a time-frame (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). Estimate your income. Estimate all ‘incoming’ money, including wages from a job, pocket money, and cash gifts, such as birthday money. Estimate required expenses. These are bills you have to pay, such as taxes, mobile phone costs, transport costs, if you can, you should get into the habit of ‘paying yourself first’ which means including an amount to save. Estimate discretionary expenses.…
How toGeneral resources

The budget – Sliced, diced and visualised

The budget – Sliced and diced and visualised    Linked activity: Tax spending
InteractiveEconomics & BusinessYear 10

Setting up your myGov account

What is myGov? A myGov account lets you link to a range of Australian Government services with one username and password. You can use myGov to do things like lodge your tax return, look for a job, make Medicare claims, manage your Centrelink and check your super. You can also receive messages in your myGov Inbox from the government agencies you link your myGov account to. What do you need before you start creating the account? A computer or…
How toGeneral resources

Talking cards

START OFF ‘I think …’ ‘In my opinion …’ SUPPORT ‘I like the way you explained …’ ‘That is a good idea’ PIGGYBACK ‘I agree with that because …’ ‘I would like to add to what … said about …’ USE EVIDENCE ‘How do you know this is the correct answer?’ ‘What is your evidence?’ ‘On page xxx it says ,,,’ MAKE CLEARER ‘Can you say your answer in a different way?’ ‘Can you give me…
Teacher toolGeneral resources

Emiles test page

      And the Tax, Super + You competition winners are..   Watch as Deputy Commissioner Andrew Watson and Assistant Commissioner Bianca Armytage announce the winners and congratulate everyone who entered the competition.   The 2023 Tax, Super + You competition has closed, and the winners have been announced. Have a look to see if your favourite was a winner! Junior category: First prize – Jaynie Heng, Teagan Lee and Emma Liang (SA)…
WorksheetNSW CommerceStage 5

Impact of excise tax

VisualiserMathematicsSenior secondary

Role of governments topic cards

Print one copy and distribute one card to each group   Business responsibility for the collection and payment of tax on goods and services (GST)       Support service or small business             Payment of taxes – taxes for employees, company tax           Subsidies paid to businesses…
InformationNSW CommerceStage 5
Check our latest news
Does your teen need to lodge a tax return this year? We’ve…
Teachers! We’re here to help with everything you need to…
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 was approved by…
    Tax, Super + You wins the 2021-22 Institute of…
In 2018 the ATO commissioned independent research company…